Judicially Arbitrated Imperial E-Democracy
Abstract of the Functioning of the E-Democracy:
For the working of the democracy in the beginning of its implementation the following shall be in effect:
Firstly any Citizen, Person, or in other words Everybody will be able to vote on bills to make laws by democracy and republicanism. A bill may be voted on by a person or that person may designate a representative for the bill or an amendment thereof. Avatared comments aside from government VIPs will be ordered according to positive or negative votes by the people. Representation can be designated according to any combination of bill classification, modification, or any other factor including which section the bill fits into based on vote quantity.
The voting process should be entirely public with all voting records completely accessible to everyone so that all voting fraud is absolutely impossible.
Imperial control will protect the democracy in all ways including internal and Alien struggles. Judicial Override over the Emperor shall be by the majority of a relatively set portion of people Zion: the most intelligent and moral of the human species. I, AllA Erawa Viacad shall be Emperor of Humanity forever, and my 133,999 Best Wives Shall Be Zion∞
My voting software is being hacked from Working in not only Java but in C-Sharp/XNA as well but now with all but 6 of the hax causing minor bugs being removed a workable solution is NOT on the horizon now that more than 41 law functionality has been disabled no page law clicks work now that text will import but does sort of in the other executable and code with it to, Highlight Also Used to Work with a small potential hack, there is a problem when deleting or backspacing a space between 2 lines when the words merge downwards, being at the bottom of the scroll bar when 41 laws are displayed does not display any text, and text will not edit without pasting in from clipboard first or pressing "Enter", review and cross check all commented hacking references:(See New E-Democracy Voting Software Video) [Click Here to Get Stuck in Secure Socket Licensed Part Of this Website If You Are Too Paranoid To Trust Unsigned Material] Voting Software. [To Get Back To/To The Official Website Click Here] Download Microsoft XNA for 64 bit Visual Rendering FIRST! To review code use Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. So not only is the internet being censored but the ability to vote on whether or not it is being censored is being hacked into not working so that the Betrayers can keep us detained in a World without freedom of thought, speech, or press so the mob can poison the water supply forever and suppress any freedom fighters that seek to resist against the totalitarian 1984 orwellian thought police planet. If you plan on investigating it you will find that only a new operating system called Sonex can get it to work because the source code is sabotaged into preventing any further progress at all without making millions of Windows Registry Edits which would require Hax to run.
FrictionFreeDemocracy.org: When Something Awesome Like My E-Democracy Voting Software Becomes Famous Some Shill Always Comes Along To Steal IT!
IF YOUR SO INNOCENT WHY DON'T YOU AT LEAST RECOGNISE MY EXISTANCE, I know you betrayers got the idea from me, except you dirtbags are forgetting 1 thing: that the reason why you didn't hear about it when mine came out, is that way before your boss told you about your new thievery project, is cause the betrayers in the richer area were already shot down by the resistance and as new guys your still guessing the same is going to happen to you if you don't admit where your shamble of code is coming from: Your cloud System Comes from uTorrent and your system is the very same one I built before you even sold out. Why'd you not mention my system or were you trying to cut me out colleting donations(Mine Were Blatantly Stolen) and not showing where not only the Java Version was But the Skinable C# Version was. Why didn't you mention the the best cloud is torrents and in my system goes back to a single data reference point for protection. What it looks like is that what you are trying to do is create a riggable version of my fully open voting government by controlling the library which probably uses server peer to peer transfer bypasses to another server, Compressing votes for no reason and thus encrypting and encoding the data to rig it, and reserializing or retable of contensing the data again for no reason and the app that runs on your computer will use registry edits to control it as well so just because it may be peer to peer the cloud is going to be clearly controlled at every level and are even using funny and rare languages which are still under development to stonewall innocent people that try to help them claiming that even if you wrote upgrades to the language pushing the progress almost to completion they will just say that there are hidden gears and levers like the one that prevented me from creating a bill sub window in Java. They claim to have started in 2005 but that is a total lie, they started a few months ago and if they didn't they are hopelessly incompetent for in 6 months I alone developed not only the basics of the word processor but also the ideal scroll bar which even has sticky text when you scroll down except these fuckers hacked it down at their inauguration. DON'T LET THEM CLAIM I DON'T WANT PEER TO PEER AS WELL AS CENTRAL SERVER CONFIRMATION CAUSE I JUST COULDN'T FINISH CAUSE THEIR PRETECESSORS HACKED DOWN EVERY VERSION I MADE TO HAVE 1 THING FROM THE LAST VERSION BREAK DOWN AND WILL STILL CLAIM IT'S MY FAULT,,,, Call Microsoft To Confirm That I Both Finished First and That They Have Just Been Stonewalling From the Start Of Their Shill Campaign To Rig The Elections!!!!!
See: E-Democracy Voting Software
You can even call Pixar, Disney, or FedEx or any national or international leading corporation not rumored to be betrayers{or even The United States of America's Government, Homeland Security, The CIA, White House, or United Nations} if you don't want to call Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon.com or Microsoft! Because of This The Enemies Of The State That Go Against the Government Both Nationally And Internationally Are Henceforth to Be Called Rebels! They Are To Still Be Labeled As Betrayers Officially To Avoid Confusion While Recruiting and Talking with FWAs{Read The Entire Rest of The Main For That} and Were Already Deemed As Terrorists Which Should Be What You Shout Them Out As Especially Once Fighting Begins.
The Abstract of the 12 Cardinal Freedoms:
1. Freedom to perform one's will in one's universe generated in this universe and all universes generated within one's universe as long as you cause happiness and beauty.
2. Freedom to love and have sexual intercourse with whomever thy choose whether Zero, one, or many regardless of age, gender, race, species, composition(whether robot, nonhuman animal, Alien, human or other), origin(whether or not one is from inside a generated universe or inside those). Soulmating/marriage is based on getting together every man with their most good looking/most sex appeal/most hot/warm feelings of goodness and spiritual compatible female(s) who of course will feel and think the same as their man about their man/husband and wive(s)! Freedom to perform prostitution sales but not to the point of slavery(Enslavement of different kinds will only be a possible punishment for criminal acts). Freedom to commit acts of prostitution.
3. Freedom of thought, learning, and religion. Freedom to experience any form of consciousness. Freedom to do any type of drugs regardless of the tendency to addiction (unless community service is required or fiending occurs in which case drugs shall be rationed).
4. Freedom to experience any and all virtual reality environments(except when it violates or tortures other people).
5. Freedom to complete control over one’s body, clothes, or pets in ones possession for Self-Replicating Nanobot{Srn}/Nanite Based RePhylumization Into Supreme Integrated Nanotubular Architecture[Sinss{Supreme Integrated Nanotubular Super Structure}] Flexible-Retractable-Tuckawayable Wing Seted Flying Bladed Nuking Pixie And To Stay That Way Infinitely Or Any Way, genetic modification, cybernetic implantation, robotic replacement, or any other type of body modification.
6. Freedom of speech, reading, listening, and viewing. Freedom to petition of the government for a redress of grievances.
7. Freedom of peaceable assembly.
8. Freedom to replicate anything.
9. Virtually no search and seizure. Right to be silent under interrogation.
10. Freedom to be granted a fair, speedy, public, and if chosen by The Accuser(s) Or The Defendant(s) publicly broadcast trial by jury for any crimes committed.
11. All freedoms not expressly restricted by the democracy of the people.
12. Freedom of an individual over the age of 4 to have 1 and only 1 vote or choice of representative(s) to vote on all specific laws, modifications of laws, or issues or groups of all specific laws, modifications of laws, or issues. No factor may abridge the freedom to vote or choose representatives to vote.
Cardinal Freedoms to be granted to all Bipedal Beings in the Alne and Which Must Be Enforced by All Emperors even against actions of the E-democracy, The 12 Cardinal Freedoms:
1. Freedom to perform all of one's will in one's universe generated in this universe so that you and your soulmates may rule over a universe as long as you cause happiness and beauty.
2. Freedom to love and have sexual intercourse with whomever thy choose whether 0, One, Couple, Few, Several, Many, Through Any Infinity And Beyond Forever In Number As Time Goes On Forever And Ever And Ever And Ever And Ever.... regardless of age, gender, race, species, composition(whether robot, nonhuman animal, Alien/Ler Girlz/Pixie, human or other), origin(whether or not one is from inside a generated universe or inside those). And Yes All Cardinal Freedom Points Allow Everyone To Do Each Freedom Over And Over Again And Again Every Single Time They Do The Thing They Are Free To Do Infinitely With That Infinite Not Ever Reaching An End To How Many Times They Are Free To Do It Ever, No Matter What. Another words All Freedoms Apply To 0 Through Infinite Numbers Of Beings With Indefinite Recurrence Of Their Freedom Every Single Time Continuously. Basically Infinite Recurrence On All Freedom Points For All Beings. Soulmating/marriage is based on getting together every man with their most good looking/most sex appeal/most hot/warm feelings of goodness and spiritual compatible female(s) who of course will feel and think the same as their man about their man/husband and wive(s)! Freedom to perform prostitution sales but not to the point of slavery(Enslavement of different kinds will only be a possible punishment for criminal acts). Freedom to commit acts of prostitution. Freedom To Do Any Kind Of Masturbation.
3. Freedom of thought, learning(except learning information classified to you), and religion. Freedom to experience any form of consciousness. Freedom to do any type of drugs regardless of the tendency to addiction (unless community service is required or fiending occurs in which case drugs shall be rationed).
4. Freedom to experience any and all virtual reality environments(except when it violates or tortures other people).
5. Freedom to complete control over one’s body, clothes, or pets(Except spading, neutering, permanently mutilating, or torturing) in ones possession for genetic modification, Srn/Nanite-Sinss-Mma-Vinstradm-Computerized-Neural Interlaced/Interfaced Body Upgrades Or Downgrades(Except Not Once You Are A Ler Girl/Pixie/Lesbian Or You Will Fly For Like 10 Seconds Then Go Splat When You Hit The Ground Or Something Losing All Your Geneitc Data When You Crush Like An Insect, Explode When Vibrated Sexed By Another Girl, Die Freezing To Death All Alone Lost In OuterSpace, Get Ruined In A Fight For Being A Freak Weak Anime Girl, Or Stuff Like That), cybernetic implantation, robotic replacement, or any other type of body modification.
6. Freedom of speech(except raising false alarm and/or making dire threats), press, Internet(except spamming), broadcasting on the 90% of electromagnetic(or other means) channels which will be authorized annually to the highest bidder for each individual channel(taxation of excessively repeated/boring commercials shall be allowed by the democracy), reading, listening, and viewing. Freedom to petition of the government for a redress of grievances(except spamming).
7. Freedom of peaceable assembly as long as it is not significantly blocking(preventing people, cars, or other vehicles from passing where it is necessary for them to pass) critical traffic points without a permit.
8. Freedom to replicate anything not made illegal in the Imperial cause, extremely dangerous weapons not made illegal by the democracy of the people, and not in violation of intellectual property laws if they even exist.
9. Freedom to be secure in one’s person, lover(s), pet(s), house(s), private property, and nonpublic data from any form of monitoring and against unreasonable searches and seizures. This shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons, things, or data to be seized. Right to be silent under interrogation.(The imperial exception: cases relating to hackings, black replicators, and black weapons)
10. Freedom to be granted a fair, speedy, public, and if chosen by The Accuser(s) Or The Defendant(s) publicly broadcast trial by jury for any crimes committed. Police officers called blue dragons shall be elected by democratic elections. The judge and jury shall normally be composed of white dragons chosen in democratic elections and randomly assigned(with preference to location) to specific cases. In certain cases the judge and jury may also be white dragons chosen by the democracy of the people by a bill. In famous cases the democracy of the people may be the jury by a bill. The accused has the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor and the same for the prosecution against his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor punishments that permanently mutilate the mind or body allowed(things that can be easily repaired can be mutilated).
11. All freedoms not expressly restricted by the democracy of the people.
12. Freedom of an individual over the age of 4 to have 1 and only 1 vote or choice of representative(s) to vote on all specific laws, modifications of laws, or issues or groups of all specific laws, modifications of laws, or issues. No factor may abridge the freedom to vote or choose representatives to vote.
The First Entirely 64 Bit Operating System, The Operating System Which Will Obsolete Windows
Internet Democracy Clause: All matters pertaining to the functioning of the Internet Democracy are to be decided by the democracy of the people.
For the working of the democracy in the beginning of its implementation the following shall be in effect:
If a vote is not cast towards a bill,(a law, modification of a law, or other issuance) a representative chosen for the given bill, classification of bills, or anything else who does not vote on the bill or a representative not chosen then that person is abstaining from a vote on that bill and that person will be subtracted from the number of people for a 50% majority necessary to pass the bill into law. If one chooses a representative and that representative chooses a representative then the original one choosing the representative will link to the final representative regardless of how many links are necessary. If these links form a loop then the first person to vote for each bill will determine the vote of the entire loop. Any timely votes made by a voter overrides previously chosen vote representation.
At any point in a bill’s life variations or modifications of the bill may be proposed which will be attached thereto in an order determined entirely by the number of positive minus negative votes supporting the individual variations or modifications. One will be able to click a single button to place a negative vote on all modifications and/or variations. Voters shall decide whether or not a modification shall be global to the original bill or any variations that are suitable for the modification to exist. The variation that is the original bill shall always be specially marked and displayed upon the screen at the bottom if it is not higher. If a variation or modification gains more votes than the original bill then the variation or modification becomes the bill and the bill or part of it becomes the variation or modification. As long as one has voted for not against the original bill or one of its variations one can vote for as many non-conflicting modifications as one wants but can place only 1 positive vote on one variation or the original bill.
A bill to be voted on shall originate by being submitted within a certain Section of the Internet Democracy website. There it shall sit in a Quintary Section with all the other bills, which do not have 100 positive votes in an order, determined by the number of positive minus negative votes for each bill and how long the bill has been sitting in this section. If a bill has a 100 more votes against than votes for it shall go to the Sextary Section. Once a bill has 100 positive votes supporting it(the first vote that proposed the bill is included) it then becomes stored on a tertiary URL with bills with between 99 votes and 10,000 votes in an order determined by the number of positive minus negative votes for each bill and how long the bill has been sitting in this section. After a bill achieves 10,000 votes it goes to the secondary voting section of the website with bills between 9,999 votes and 1,000,000 votes. After a bill achieves 1,000,000 votes it goes to the secondary voting section of the website with bills between 1,000,000 votes and 5% of the people in an order determined by the number of votes for each bill.
When a bill has 5% of the population behind it and less than 15% against, it goes onto the primary bill selection section of the website in an order determined by the number of positive minus negative votes for each bill and how long the bill has been sitting in this section. If a bill in the primary section has 3 times as many votes against it as it does for it, it shall return to the secondary section. Finally when a bill has 20% of the people voting for it not considering those who abstain, it becomes active and enters into an active section of the website, will either become voted by a 50% majority of people within 4 weeks or expire entirely so that it ceases to exist on the democratic website until it is proposed anew. Bills that are proposed, become active, and expire over and over again may be censored from one’s customizable interface by the user possibly by some sort of representation arrangement. One can choose representatives to vote for them not only among classifications of bills but also which section of the website they are in(quadentary, tertiary, secondary, primary, active) or a combination of both.
Once a bill finally becomes active positive voting becomes restricted to 4 or less votes on the top 16 variations. For a week voting will commence on those 16 variations. After the 1st week voting on the bill will be restricted to 1 vote on 4 variations. After the 2nd week voting becomes restricted to 1 vote on 2 variations. After the third week voting is for whether or not the chosen variation of the bill becomes a law, modification on a law, or decided issue. If a modification on a bill when it becomes a law, modification on a law, or issue has not reached a 50% majority of voters to change the original bill then it is canceled. A voter will be able to prioritize before hand which variations his vote will count for after the choices are whittled down and whether or not he will vote for the bill to pass depending on which bill it has been whittled down to so that one may choose to vote only once every 4 weeks. Executions must occur at least 12 weeks after a bill becomes law to give time for appeal.
With regard to intrabill conflicting modifications which gain 50% whichever has the most votes(or whichever was proposed first or in cases where they are proposed at the same time and have equal votes whichever is chosen by the random number generator) will become the new original bill. Any positive vote for a bill or any of its variations will count towards the classification of a bill as being either quadentary, tertiary, secondary, primary, or active. Also in the quandentary, tertiary, secondary, primary, or even the active section multiple representatives can be assigned to vote in a ranked order determining which representative will have the power of your vote if other lower ranked representatives vote differently. Vote representation may be chosen to only vote for modifications of all bill, groups of bills, or specific bills in which case the representative can vote for modifications of bills for people they are representing (as long as the representative or those represented vote for the bill with that person’(s) vote) even though that representative may or may not place a positive vote on that bill or any of its variations.
The classification(including one of the following; general classification, subclassification, subsubclassification, subsubsubclassification…) must be chosen by the proposer of the bill. When one clicks on the classification button classifications previously voted for will be listed in order of positive votes only. A positive vote can only be applied to 1 classification and only by one who gives a positive vote(s) for that bill or any of its variations. If one votes for the bill and does not vote for a given classification of the bill then one will be voting for the prevalent classification. If the classification is for a classification general to subclassifications then that bill will fall into the other classification of that more general classification. Vote representation or choosing a repetitive can also occur for allowing the representative to only classify bills or bills within certain sections and/or classifications of bills for certain classifications.
Displayed next to each bill, bill variation, and bill modification will be commentary on the bill's variation, and bill modification as a whole and upon individual clauses. The priority of what is displayed first or on the screen at all shall be determined by how many positive minus negative votes the comment receives, one vote per voter per comment. Submitting a comment automatically causes a voter to submit a positive vote for the comment submitted. Representatives can be selected just for writing comments and/or voting on comments.
An advertisements section should have all advertisements for bills and stuff in an order of how many positive minus negative votes they receive. One can choose vote following specifically for this as well.
What is displayed when one logs into and uses the Imperial Democracy Website should be entirely customizable by the voter. One may click a button to toggle whether or not they will see the dominant variation or the original bill.
A means shall exist for the formation of clans on the Imperial Democracy Website to direct this customization, discussion, voting, and activities. There should be self-moderating forums, clan moderated forums, and individual moderated forums specific to every person. Forums should have links to automatically go to the voting webpage for the specific bill or bills with prechosen voting variables whatever way that blogger, clan, or individual votes. There shall be a public information encyclopedia that shall have democratically chosen articles or article sections displayed along with popular variations and modifications and a means to vote for or against those variations or modifications. There shall be personal accounts for every voter for email, messaging, advertising, and whatever else is needed. A centralized database of everybody should have whatever they choose to be available on in addition to a compulsory publicizing of a picture of their body, full name, identification number, spammed email account address with voted(voted at one’s email page) filters that can be disabled for individual emails or individual email accounts, and voting record.
The voting process should be entirely public with all voting records completely accessible to everyone so that all voting fraud is absolutely impossible.
Workings of Democracy
------Website Syntax
------Classification Structure
Criminal Law
------Man Slaughter
------Virtual Torture
------Cybernetic Violations
------Intellectual Rights Violations
Civil Law
------Loss of life
------Loss of Property or Data
------Intellectual Rights Violations
Patent Law
------Patent Office Proceedings
------Patent Submission Specifications
------Patent Infringement
Design Patent Law
------Design Patent Office Proceedings
------Design Patent Submission Specifications
------Design Patent Infringement
Copyright Law
------Copyright Office Proceedings
------Copyright Submission Specifications
------Copyright Infringement
Imperial Clause:
In order to protect the Cardinal Freedoms the Emperor has supreme authority over everything to cancel a bill, law, issue, or even the order of a jury if it infringes on the Cardinal Freedoms or condones black replicators or civilian use of military replicators or otherwise unauthorized replicators, or black weapons. The Emperor has supreme immunity against everything except from a 90% majority of Zion. Zion shall forever sustain the authority to override the Emperor on any issue whether military, political, or anything else with a 90% majority making the government a Judicially Arbitrated Imperial E-Democracy in truth.
All tax collection shall be determined by the democracy. The Emperor shall not have 75% of the taxes(whether collected from money in existence or money printed from nowhere) which will be distributed by the democracy. 15% will go to the outer party of conspiracy theorists and lower level secret society members. 10% will go to the bloodlines of the original illuminated ones as directed by Zion. 1/4 of that will go to nuclear treaty compliant Rebel Alliance members. The Emperor has Supreme authority in order to ensure the protection of Cardinal Freedoms provided to All Beings In The Alne or Fullverse.
In addition the Emperor is charged with the destruction of all black or hacked replicators(Which may be used to construct H-Bombs, poison gas, plasma weapons, high explosives, and all assortment of weapons which may include even more powerful weapons as time goes on like Zero Point Energy weaponry), prevention of civilian use of military replicators, use of otherwise unauthorized replicators, and the hacking of FNCVRs(Full Virtual Reality Neurological Connectivity Virtual Reality) activities. The Emperor is charged with preventing the possession and use of nuclear material except the responsible use of deuterium in a regulated manner for fusion power. The Emperor shall maintain control over 9/10 of the elemental resources for the OSSDeP(Outer Solar System Defense Perimeter) in all solar systems under the Imperial E-Democracy control and will allocate some of the 1/10 for providing Imperially guaranteed land that cannot be taken away from relatively law abiding citizens even against actions by the majority of the E-Democracy. The Emperor shall have supreme authority to interrogate with torture, monitor for, search for, and seize Black replicators, Black Weapons, and FNCVR torturous hackers and their data.
Humanity also has instantaneous teleporters and quantum ray weaponry. Teleporters enable fighters to instantly teleport back to their newly produced unit in the fleet so that they fight again without ever dying. Needless to say nobody will ever have any permanent harm to their body due to nanotechnology at least. Even without teleporters (poop)shit backups and video/audio fighter records would allow people to fight and die and have at least some memory of their combat experience and their spirits would remember it anyways without the records in the same way past life experiences are remembered.
Rebellion Clause
However the Emperor Shall have no power to convict or punish any being ESPECIALLY if they are simply staging an organized rebellion against him but such rebels must not attack Extremely Highly Posted Commanders In Personal Martial Combat in accordance with the gentlemen's agreement although proving such an attack can be made does give aid to your cause in terms of how Gangup Moderation occurs. Rebellions that seek to be successful must defeat all forces in fully conventional(nonnuclear) combat as nukes can too easily be planted in every colony with a few low grade hacks on fusion cars. To Ensure that Rebellion is even keeled no elemental resources can be hoarded by either the ruling elite or contesters except in times of active external war but since rich people will want bigger mansions than poorer people they will have more power when segments of their Ring Colony Become War Robots. Hax will of course be allowed in such staged rebellions just as long as no significant pain is inflicted by the hacking faction and no death and reincarnation attempted. Staged Rebellions are a normal thing and the e-democracy must not punish any at all who follow the rules in rebelling as long as it is not happening on around a weekly to daily basis in which case a single 1-100 whip lash deterrence sentence can be given by the E-Democracy to the rebels to prevent it getting annoying for loyalist forces. The Right To Rebel is effectively the 13th Cardinal Freedom and the last Cardinal Freedom that must be taught.
At any given time around 1/4 to 1/8 of humanity will be allocated as soldiers and commanders for the expansion and thus protection of FWA Power against Alien Armadas of all Sizes.
Division of Power:
Green - Color of democratic power. Everybody with a vote. Emerald.
Yellow - Creative people. Everybody that helps to create music, movies, video games, books, TV, photos, and art. Yellow Sapphire.
Purple - Imperial guard hand chosen by the Emperor and intensively screened for loyalty. Any elite soldiers who guard critical assets of the Empire including the Imperial palace and security and control elements of the military. Purple Amethyst.
White - Judges, Jurors, and monitors of all other colors of dragons especially black dragons. Can follow Black dragons through any action but may not interfere or publicize events until the action against the organization is complete. White wood.
Orange - Science, Nanotechnology, Architecture, Infrastructure, Quantum Ray, and Math Specialists. Orange wood.
Brown - Militia of the people. Brown wood.
Gold - People that run digital securities. People that create monitor and protect all the world’s money. Zion itself is pure gold.
Silver - People that Manage and run enterprises consisting of at least one other employee other than the owner. Silver
Bronze - Everybody with money. Bronze
Blue - Peacekeepers, law enforcers, police officers, or cops who shall be elected by democratic elections. Blue SINSS.
Red - Military, combat, and manage space resource collection along with brown. Red SINSS.
Black – Chosen by Emperor to prevent hacking of FNCVR networks at all costs, manage capture of, search, interrogate for, seize, and enforce punishment for black replicators, and black weapons. Black SINSS.
Supreme Council of 12
Green: 1: Supreme Sky Commander(7 Stars): AllA(All Loving Light And) Erawa(Everything Retaining a(at least 1) Working Ability:) Viacad(Virtual, Interelemental: All Computerized And Doing) or AllA(All Lucid Abilities) Erawa(Everything Requiring Answers, Whys, And) Viacad(Very Ideally Coordinated Abstracted Design(ers)/(s)). Designed, Coded, Webmastered, Runs, Administers, Registrars, And Controls(Vars{Virtually Always Runs Stuff} From Now On Var And Vars Means: Designed, Coded, Webmastered, Runs, Administers, Registrars, And Controls The Whole Thing{s}): www.nanofirm.org/911conspiracytheory.net for 911 Conspiracy Theorists.
www.nanofirm.org/allasprettypictures.com For Photographers And Painters.
www.nanofirm.org/allaviacad.com for people who only want to read about people.
www.nanofirm.org/arcanemagicspellbook.com for people who are interested in Magic But Not Practicing It Now.
www.nanofirm.org/artificialgems.com for people who lost their job at a factory or just like shiny objects.
www.nanofirm.org/assassinsguild.ninja for People Who Seem Like Criminals.
www.nanofirm.org/bimavs.com for people who are Obsessed with War Robots.
www.nanofirm.org/civilizationtotalwar.com For People Who Are Obsessed With Strategy Video Games.
www.nanofirm.org/e-democracy.biz for people who are obsessed with talking about politics and nothing else.
www.nanofirm.org/elvenalliance.com for RPG Freaks.
www.nanofirm.org/fountainofyouth.info for people who are really old.
www.nanofirm.org/freeworldalliance.biz for people who are neither democrats nor republicans who don't fit in the other categories.
www.nanofirm.org/freeworldalliance.net for People Absolutely Obsessed With Google Deciding Everything.
www.nanofirm.org/freeworldalliance.org for democrats who don't fit in the other categories.
www.nanofirm.org/fwacivillibertiesunion.org for Reverse Racists.
www.nanofirm.org/greenmagi.com for Pagans/Witches And People Into Green Magic.
www.nanofirm.org/homelandsecurityagency.us For People Who Just Want To Go In Hardcore.
www.nanofirm.org/howtobuildanuke.com For People That Will Never Get Skinny.
www.nanofirm.org/illuminatisgreatestsecret.com for people who are Interested In Illuminati Conspiracy Theories.
www.nanofirm.org/intelligentlysecuredinformationstandard.com For People Who Know ISIS Is About Helping People Connect And Enabling Convenient Forum Posting.
www.nanofirm.org/internationalstandardsinlearning.com For Babys, The Misguided In Terms Of Logic, Reason, And Memory Erasure, And Adults.
www.nanofirm.org/lergirlz.com for People Who Personally Know Ler Girlz Are Invulnerable And Can Kill Anybody They Can Get Their Cute Little Hands On.
www.nanofirm.org/londonhistoricalsociety.com for republicans who don't fit in the other categories.
www.nanofirm.org/magicgizmos.com for people who Absolutely Love Sob Stories.
www.nanofirm.org/magicguild.net for people who Want To Be Blacksmiths As Well As Being Already A Pirate.
www.nanofirm.org/magielite.com for People Who Want To Know About Reincarnation Or Recover Past Life Experiences.
www.nanofirm.org/mentalhealthgulag.com for People Who Are Definitely More Afraid OF The Gulag Than ME!
www.nanofirm.org/mrdss.net (Multi Relay Distance Sensor System) For A Last Resort After Using A Bunch Of These On Somebody.
www.nanofirm.org/neonazi.net for NeoNazis And Racists.
www.nanofirm.org/nwoproductions.org for people who are environmentalists. IP Address:
www.nanofirm.org/omniscientcomputers.org for people interested in Science.
www.nanofirm.org/orderofwhiteknights.com For People Who Care A Ton About Basically Only 1 Major Thing Being Wrong In The World.
www.nanofirm.org/progenitoraliens.com for AlienHeads.
www.nanofirm.org/riteoftheeucharist.com for People That Are Completely Disdained With Christianity.
www.nanofirm.org/rosticurianorder.com For People Who Are In, IE Know About E-Democracy, Are Full-Varials, Medium-Witchs, And In The SINSS Sex Toy Species.
www.nanofirm.org/scientificmagicorder.com for people who are interested in Kabala and/or Joining A Magical Order.
www.nanofirm.org/scimagorder.com For People Who Need The Labyrinth Key.
www.nanofirm.org/securitiesexchangenetwork.net for people who are obsessed with making money doing nothing.
www.nanofirm.org/self-replicatingnanobot.com for people interested in mechanics or chemistry.
www.nanofirm.org/sexualgenesis.com For Actual Ler Girls Who are Like 2 Or Something.
www.nanofirm.org/skynetarianism.net for people who are scared of robots.
www.nanofirm.org/sonex.org for Windows Fans who are Especially Cool With Sky.Net
www.nanofirm.org/supremearchmage.com For people who Actually Want To Summon Some Great Wizard/Leader Or Someone With A Magic Ritual.
www.nanofirm.org/suprememagicspellbook.com for people who think magic is silly and Harry Potter Fans.
www.nanofirm.org/supremematrix.com For Scientists Who Are Obsessed With Everything Being Based On Quantum Mechanics.
www.nanofirm.org/supremeproductsonly.com For Episcopalians That Seem Like They Are Almost Certainly Going To Fail Revelations. Whatever You Do Don't Give Any Money Into The Fund yourself As All Funds Are Being Robbed By The CFPB! NEVER EMAIL JEWS, PRESPITERIANS, OR METHODISTS Or Screwed Up Episcopalians AS THEY WILL HUNT YOU DOWN For Believing In Magic, Speaking About This, The Web Ring Of The Illuminati, Or Even Thinking The Truth, Never Talk To Them Again, Hunt Em Down Son Hunt Em Down Hunt Em Down Into The Ground!!!!!
www.nanofirm.org/televisionshowpreacher.com for People Who Still Watch, Ahem Listen To Television Show Preachers.
www.nanofirm.org/thekeytomagic.com for People Who Practice Magic Now.
www.nanofirm.org/thesuprememagicwebsite.com for Rednecks Interested In Having Magical Powers And Nothing Spiritual About It, People Who Love Middle Of The Night TV Drumrolls For Products.
www.nanofirm.org/totalspacewar.com for people who like reading stories a lot.
www.nanofirm.org/unatle.net for people who are overly concerned with security.
www.nanofirm.org/undergroundprosentertainment.com for people who like rap.
www.nanofirm.org/universegenerator.com for people interested in Math.
www.nanofirm.org/unrealnumbers.com for people who seeem Really Really Tripped Out On Somethhhhing.
www.nanofirm.org/viacadempire.com For People Who Are In, IE Know About E-Democracy.
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Alpha Version Of: E-Democracy Voting Software..
Yellow: 11: Supreme Techno Mission DJ: Atrayu(Amazing to read a you) Ableton(Able to Know{through listening to or viewing your art}) Viacad. Vars www.sonypictures.com
Purple: 5: SubCommander 2. Lea(Look everytime a) Jony(Jew/Jap{panese person} on Electronics) Viacad. San Diego, California, USA. Vars www.sony.com
White: 4: SubCommander 3. Christine(Christ I need Everything) Satcom(Satcommed) Viacad. Vars www.un.org
Orange: 10: Supreme Scientist: Tiffany(Totally intelligent far fetched any) Sonnet(Science of nuclear nanotech electronics transmissions) Viacad. Vars www.dia.mil
Brown: 7: SubCommander 6. Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently in lieu of your) Ge(General Education) Viacad. Vars www.defense.gov
Gold: 9: SubCommander 7. Stefany(Stellar finances anytime) Sen(Securities Exchange Network) Viacad. Vars www.treasury.gov
Silver: Sarah(Superb Altruistic Response After Halting) Goldman(Gold Management Atrocities Network) Viacad. Vars www.bbb.org
Bronze: Sarah(Superb Altruistic Response After Halting) Silverman(Silver Management Atrocities Network) Viacad. Vars www.amazon.com
Blue: 3: SubCommander 4. Sofi(So Fucking Intelligent) Hilton(tons of people on the hill) Viacad. Vars www.nato.int
Red: 2: SubCommander 1. Clair(Clear All inclusive readout) Dominion(Dominating in our network) Viacad. Vars https://www.cia.gov
Black: 6: SubCommander 5. Liz(Light Intelligent Systems) Sonex(So Our Network Exists) Viacad. Vars www.microsoft.com
Supreme Council of 36
The Supreme Council of 12.
13: Minister of Nanotechnology: Natasha(Negate Attack Adopting Supreme Halter at) Tomai(Toshiba Mainframe) Viacad = Spirit of Chokmah. Vars www.toshiba.com
14: Minister of Metascience: Clair(Clear All Inclusive Readout) Aziyl(About Seeing Into Your Life) Viacad = Soul of Hod. Regulates All Science/Math Journals And Websites.
15: Minister of Religion: Tiffany Hod Viacad. Vars www.scientology.org
16: Minister of Happiness: Ewa(Everything Working At) Nol(Nominal Levels) Viacad = Body of Hod. Regulates All Hollywood Agencies.
17: Minister of Beauty: Rea Viacad = Supreme Seer. Regulates All Modeling Agencies.
18: Minister of Love: Sophie(So a Posse Has In Every) Mae(Made Event) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Designers) = Ghost of Chesed. Vars plus.google.com
19: Minister of Sex: Candice Sako Viacad{Candice(Call a necessary decision icebreaking) Sako(So a change occurs) Viacad} = Taurus; Mutable Water. Regulates All Porno.
20: Minister of Race: Emile(Everybody Mingling Lately Everytime) Laney(Lets all Network Everybody Yes) Viacad = Spirit of Yesod. Vars Free World Alliance Civil Liberties Union.
21: Minister of People: Marnie(MEUCS{MEUCS for short [Modulating Encrypted Uniform Communication System], or MMLEUNOHALBBSMCHPEMCS for long[Modulating MultiLayered Encrypted Uniform Number Of High And Low Bits Broad Spectrum MultiChannel High Power ElectroMagnetic Communication System]} Arssholes Not Interfering [with] Everybody's) Forms Viacad. Vars www.mirc.com
22: Minister of Mind Control: Foy Klar Viacad{Foy(For our youth) Klar(keep [the] letter [of the law] absolutely right) Viacad}. Vars www.bwgen.com
23: Minister of Computers: Kortana, (Core To A Network at) Sky.net Viacad, as a white woman(Full of Quantum Compressed{Like we could be} Tachyon Transmitters, the core of Sky Net at the same time which connects to the other Computers Women who connect to each compartment of Sky.net. Vars www.dell.com
24: Minister of Hacking: Jenn(Just Enlighten Newbs nervous systems) Verizon(Virtually everybody reading .biz in our network) Viacad. Vars www.nsa.gov
25: Minister of War: Jamie(Just A Minute In Expiration) Sumers(Supreme Uber Mappers Read Me Everybody) Viacad = Soul of Tiphereth. Vars Las Vegas!
26: Supreme Media Representative: Megan(May Everyone Getting Another {from}) Denise(Dumb Enpasses, Negated Incursions. Stay Exempt) Fox(From Obverted X-rated {Censorship}) Viacad = Spirit of Daath. Vars www.youtube.com
27: Supreme Ambassador: Paris Hilton Viacad{Paris(Please assist residents in staying) Hilton(Happy, intelligent, light-hearted, and tour our network) Viacad} = Leo; Mutable Fire. Builds Web Templates For And Controls All Embassies.
28: Minister of Architecture: Christine Kether Viacad. Vars The American Institute Of Architects.
29: Minister of Environmental Protection: Valin(Variating A Little In) Diaz(Disconnected Assaulted Zones) = Body of Kether. Vars www.epa.gov
30: Minister of Education: Katy(call all through your) UT(Universal translator) Viacad = Body of Malkuth. Vars www.whitehouse.gov
31: Minister of the Lower Class: Katy Body Viacad. Regulates New Websites That Are About To Be Censored!
32: Minister of Space: Angelina(Angel in a) Jolie(Just, Obedient Light Intelligence Existence) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracting Designer). Regulates Space Websites.
33: Minister of Magic: Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently In Light of Your) Goodwin(Good Win) Viacad. Vars SciMag Order Internal Purchasing Websites.
34: Minister on the Bible: Letat Whasoed Viacad{Letat(Let's Think About This) Whasoed(What Should Everybody Do) Viacad. Regulates All Religious{Cults} And Cult{Christian} Websites.
35: Minister of Rotundas(Gambling Halls): Lea Chokmah Viacad. Provides Support To All Rotunda Websites.
36: Minister of Nothings: Not Viacad. Regulates All Children's Websites.
Secondary Costumes of 12
Green: Ming Kyle(More Intel Now Getting) (Canceled Yes Like Everytime)
Yellow: Tom Cruise(Total Obsession Means) (Creativity R U Intelligently Styleek Everytime)
Purple: Ken Kutaragi Jony(Can Everybody Negate) (Control Using Totally Advanced Range Guidance Info[For Flying Cars]) (Gyroscope Onboard Yes?)
White: Hai Tao Sun(Heavy Advice/Info) (To Adapt Overtly) (Son)
Orange: Edy Rhodes(Everyone Decides Yes) (Really Have Our Doodad Every Send)
Brown: Colin Powell(Can Our Line) (Pinch Over With Every Linked Link [To Form A Net])
Gold: Leith Muhammad Taima(Little Everyone Informed To Hassassins) (Murking, Harassing, Attacking, Murdering, Mayheming And Doing Totally Advancing Intel Maneuvers)
Silver: Barac Obama(Bowie[protect from losing too much money in the stock market] At Reasonable Amounts Command) (Overtly By A Marginal Amount)
Bronze: Dany Rothschild(Doing Anything) (Requires Our Treatment Called Helping Inform Lay Dummies)
Blue: Pablo Escobar(Prove Aberration By Losing) (Every Social Contact Before A Restraint)
Red: Johnny Depp(Just Own Now No/Yes) (Defiantly Please Play)
Black: Kiefer Sutherland(Can Intelligence Effect Every Required) (System Using The Effective Ranged Linker And Nodal Distracter)
Secondary Costumes of 21
The Secondary Council of 12
13: Minister of Nanotechnology: Chris(CSRN{Cubic Self-Replicating Nanobot} Have Really Intelligent Systems) Phoenix(Please Help Our Existence Not Introducing X-chemical)
14: Minister of Metascience: Michio(More Intelligent Commentary Having Intelligent Oversight) Kaku(Can a Core Unit _________)
15: Minister of Religion: Maralyn(More Advanced Religion, A Likeable You Now) Manson(Mansion/Marriage/Materials And Necessities Saving Our Network)
16: Minister of Species: David(Do A Video Introducing Diary) Iche(Introduce Choice Everytime)
17: Minister of Mind Control: Alex(Alert Every eXtra) Jones(Joint Network System)
18: Minister of Rotundas(Gambling Halls): Don(Don't Orate Nothin) Corleone(Cuz Our Rotundra Likes Everyone Only Orating Never Except?)
19: Minister of Architecture: Eric(Everything Requires Intelligent CADing{Computer Automated Design}) Rhodes(Report Help Only During Every Session)
20: Minister of Environmental Protection: Doron(Don't Reject Our Nature) Metlay(More Existence Today & Lets Always Yes __________)
21: Minister of the Lower Class: Anthony(Another Totally Helpless Ordinary Nobody You) Hilder{o}(Have Intelligent Direction Every Recall Only)
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