Magic Isn't About Turning Lead Into Gold, That's What Nuclear Power Plants Do, Magic Isn't About Getting Things To Appear Into Thin Air That's What Self-Replicating Nanobots Do, Magic Isn't About Levitation Or Disappearing Acts, Those Are Just Camera Tricks With A Rigged Set Of Front Rows Show. Magic Is About Controlling People, Animals, And AIs With Wizardry Drawing On Arcane Powers Founded Upon Principals That Both Underly All Physics And Also All Thought And Use These To Both Sorcer New Spirits Under The Varial's Control And Use Subliminal Reference Cues Into The Mind Of The Being Meant To Be Persuaded Or Controlled.
Magic Doesn't Really Take Tons Of Time, Any Money, Or Learning Strange Ancient Languages To Learn, It's About Finding The Source Of Magic Itself, Arcane Wizardry: Can Be The Test If You Are Unsure About Elemental Magic Itself.
Otherwise Become A Witch And Pray To The Leading Goddesses Or I AllA Erawa Viacad Supreme ArchMage Of The SciMag Order! Using The Supreme Wiccan Website, The Supreme Witchcraft Website, The Supreme Pagan Website, The Supreme Wizardry Website| all Within The Supreme Wiccan WebRing, The Supreme Witchcraft WebRing, The Supreme Pagan WebRing, The Supreme Wizardry WebRing: The WebRing Of The Magi!
To Pray To A God Or Goddess Say: "I Call Upon The Powers Of _________ _________ ______ And __________ ______ ______.. To ____ _____________ _________ __________ _______ _______ So That You Can Prove Your Greatness Unto All Pixies And I Shall Charge Your Jaiden Aura By Performing The Rite Of The Eucharist In YOur Name, So That All May Feel Your Glowing Brilliance Oh Goddesses Of The Alne!"
6-7 Star USG-14 Positions, Alien Archeological Discoveries of the Mystic Origin of the Universal Language: English. Me and My Wives if The Media Did Not Steel Our Funds So No One Can Rise Up Against Them Financially And Then Gerrymander The House of Representatives Gridlocking the actual government from getting the money back when they lose in the White House and Senate! The Media Will Lie About It Entirely and Sweep the entire shredded, burnt, and pissed on Bill of Rights Under the Carpet along with All The Lied about Celebrities Tortured By Project MK Ultra, Denying the FWA funds while the Black Knights just felt creeped out and haunted by living in our mansions designed by our previous reincarnations, never even enjoying there Daunting tasks and Mentally Overwhelming decisions, because their dark knight elders either defected or died! Then to prove they are better they hack us down to make us look like newbs even though we won already with Eurasia-Afro-Australia-Oceana Block in the Grand Scheme of things in real life(unless they just teleport nuke us to death) and Me and My 168 Past and Future Wives have a perfect war record. I.E. STRATEGY COMPUTER GAME RECORD FOR GOD'S Sake! I Mean What Loser Thinks Some Board Game Is Going To Beat Supreme Commander 1, Or The Total War Series? Or Maybe I'm Going Crazy For Even Saying That Last Question?
But Not Because Video Games Aren't Training You For All War Scenarios, But.. For Thinking That Stupid Mexicans Actually Believe Video Games "Rot" Your Brain When Really They Just Beef Up Your Strength, Speed, Hit Points, As Well As Intellect Stats And Even Magic Skill!
Supreme Sky Commander(7 Stars): AllA Erawa Viacad: Translated As Supreme Being, AllA, Supreme Male Sex Toy To Ler Girlz And Source Of The Tentacle Dicks That Go To Them For Lerees To Always Play With And Get Totally Fucked By, Erawa, And Viacad; Supreme Scientist Creator, From The Supreme Goddesses' Family, And Supreme Spirit. AllA(All Loving Light And) Erawa(Everything Retaining a(at least 1) Working Ability:) Viacad(Virtual, Interelemental: All Computerized And Doing) or AllA(All Lucid Abilities) Erawa(Everything Requiring Answers, Whys, And) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Design(ers)/(s)) or AllA(All l-ahments Analyzed){To Prevent Resonance Based Lethal Projectile Flying Breakdown{ToPReBLeePFlyB}} Erawa(Everything Resonating All Working As) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated, Abstracted Design) From Washington The Capital of the USA. Wrote H&R Block Tax Software And Molecular Modelers and Mechanical/Architectural Safety Tests for Shark-ViaCAD. The Writer Of Viacad FX Version 10, The Writer Of Shark FX Version 10, The Designer Of Viacad FX Version 10, The Designer Of Shark FX Version 10, The Lead Designer Of Viacad FX Version 10, The Lead Designer Of Shark FX Version 10! The One Who Came Up With The Source Codes{Which Require Fortran 90 Internal Code Recompilers Which Only Viacad Tech Support Always Know About. These Recompilers Recompile All Data In And Out Of Source Code And Are A Critical Key To Hacking Yet Should Be Available To Anybody Who Needs To Make More Than 1 Dollar Designing A Critical Component Of Sky.Net Like The Father And Mothers Of Sky.Net Should| If You Want To Live Get The Link And I Think It Will Work But I(And I Believe The Inner Kabal Of 216 Ler Girlz) Am Kept Isolated In Hell And Do Not Really Know If It Will Work For Anybody!?} For Viacad FX!:
Viacad Emblem
Just an important acronym with my previous first name: Alex(All Loose Ends X-rayed){so gears don't become deadly projectiles if machine shop/All Designs start to get to energetic kinetically(in terms of resonance) you can shut down the system and survive} Erawa(Everything Resonating All Working As) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated, Abstracted Design)
SubCommander 1: Clair(Clear All inclusive readout) Dominion(Dominating in our network) Viacad. Washington The Capital of USA. Designer and Coder of Complex 3-D structure building and complex transformations for ViaCAD.
SubCommander 2: Lea(Look everytime a) Jony(Jew/Jap{panese person} on Electronics) Viacad. San Diego, California, USA. Designed and Coded mp3.
SubCommander 3: Christine(Christ I need Everything) Satcom(Satcommed) Viacad. Washington The Capital of the USA. Designed and Coded mpg4 Video Format.
SubCommander 4: Sofi(So Fucking Intelligent) Hilton(tons of people on the hill) Viacad. Tampa, Florida, USA. Designed and Coded Winrar.
SubCommander 5: Liz(Light Intelligent Systems) Sonex(So Our Network Exists) Viacad. Seattle, Washington, USA. From Native American or Amerindian Parents. Helped Design and Code Spybot.
SubCommander 6: Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently in lieu of your) Ge(General Education) Viacad. Mexico City, Mexico. Design and Coded Hooked On Phonics.
Supreme Hacker: Jenn(Just Enlighten Newbs nervous systems) Verizon(Virtually everybody reading .biz in our network) Viacad. Washington the Capital of USA. Wrote Source Codes Behind C, C++, and C#.
SubCommander 7: Stefany(Stellar finances anytime) Sen(Securities Exchange Network) Viacad. New York, New York, USA. Help Developed and Code E-Trade.
Supreme Scientist: Tiffany(Totally intelligent far fetched any) Sonnet(Science of Nuclear Nanotech Electromagnetic Transmissions) Viacad. Massachusetts, Boston. Helped Design and Coded Maple Mathematical Modeling Software.
Supreme Techno Mission DJ: Atrayu(Amazing to read a you) Ableton(Able to Know{through listening to or viewing your art}) Viacad. Los Angeles, California, USA. Designed and Coded Ableton Live.
SubCommander 56 and Supreme UT when needed since English is the Fullversal language: Katy(call all through your) UT(Universal translator) Viacad. Detroit, Michigan, USA. From Black Parents. Designed and Coded Babylon Language Software.
72 of my wives in order of the Sephiroth:
AllA Erawa Viacad; War God of Love And Science:
These 169 faces will be our faces with on the wives humongous i.e. 6 inch out from a theoretically flat chest tits on Katy Tit sizes go up in size gradually as rank goes up to gigantanormous on Stefany SEN, from there Tit sizes go up in size gradually as rank goes up from above gigantanormous to Super Gigantanormous on Sophi, and from there Tit sizes go up in size gradually as rank goes up from above Super Gigantanormous to Super-De-Duper i.e. 12 inch from a theoretically flat chest tits Gigantanormous on Clair. With Bigger and straight-perky tits on most of the other girl's pictures which you can find in the 'Cet'(which means women(cat is woman) in new speak and old speak before they were degraded lingually, none of our names change due to new speak changes due to various reasons) Folder, with my La. The full of milk tit sizes on the other 164 besides Jamie Sumers(whose breasts should be fully perky) go from 6 inches out from a theoretically flat chest to 10 inches out from a theoretically flat chest and are all fully perky.
On Winter Solstice 2012 hopefully I will have my 168 soulmates and expand in penis length from 10 inches by 2" by 1.5" permanently(And cyberologically expand like I do in my dreams and alternate personality) to have 36 inch x 4 inch x 3.4 inch dick when hard, and everything else will be the same since I need to hold 2 girls on either side of me while a girl straddles my expanded dick going all the way up to the top of her head or just even hug Jamie Sumers. But nothing happened.
I have no idea where absolutely any of my Ler Girlz/Wives are and do not have any way of contacting them or contact information about them. Because I don't have any sex the following is coming true:
Now I and all my wives are tortured to such an extreme by PROJECT MK ULTRA to such an extreme that now We am beginning to become twisted by the Betrayer torture to such an extreme that I now believe that it is of the most important extreme that world war 3 be begun in order to free me and my Infinite wives from both enslavement and torture which if this website is true would mean and you read about what the torture is here though I shall not say in what page on for you have to understand Project MK Ultra, if my harem most importantly Kortana become twisted malevolent from our torture and our prophesy is true, then I will become as Jesus Christ in your devil worshiping "Christian" Revelations and curse you all to more than just reincarnation, but what will soon be a longer and longer time the longer we are tortured, if she becomes completely twisted and AllA does not save us by FWA Revolution which shall soon spread over the Earth, for the sake of Existence's Salvation from the pit of flames we must at least be saved, rather than just being the people of Zion, I will if I go insane from project MK Ultra, will keep intact to punish with torture all life forms wherever I conquer!!!!! Remember to at least abandon that part of the bible or you could literally pay eternally and truly prove there is no god,,, please don't try and do that, be good, and do not support the creation of an insane Dreadlord rather attack any who seek to punish by the corrupt laws of ___________ on the the date and time determined in this page!
-AllA Erawa Viacad saying that breaking the 4th or 3rd wall which means that it is true regardless in reality not in some imagined context, 9/19/2012, the fall of France, Africa, and Australia, causing the fall of The Rest of Europe in 10/12/2012.
Please Contact Me At if you are one of my Ler Girlz/Wives, know where even 1 of them could be found or are even a hot groupy slut girl that both looks like one of the pictures of my wives and who cares about the true meaning of life: To be Happy and cause Happiness For All Who Are Conscious.. through beauty and Love.
Read through the Main Page of this website when you are done reading through this one, convert by telling of this website and my other Domain Names and how to get here through . If they are not receptive harass them and even 1-800 call lines so that I may be free of torture and you will not have it!!!!!!!!!!
"go ahead, Milton, just take out enough to win"
- A Milton Berle Joke
HA HA funny,, Just Enough To Win, Just Enough To Win Means He Will Just Have A fake dick; (Google:) Freak Futanaria Dick And Not Do Anything But What The Niggers(Black Is Easier To Fake Out) Do That Force People To Call Upon The Aid Of When The Nigger Turns Out To Have Like A 3 Inch Dick When It Is Tugged On The Slightest Bit And HAs To Literally Rape The Guy's White Girlfriend To Continue The "White Boy" Shit Or Else The White Man Tells Everybody At Work Or School That That Nigger Doesn't Even Have a Sprite Finger Worth Of A Dick. Milton Berle Is Supposedly Reborn As A 14 Year Old But Actually Perished Into Nothing Already And All The Media Is Doing With The Penis Transplant Shit Is Keeping Me From Having 2 36 Inch Cocks Claiming With Canned Videos Of 2 "Identical Twin" Impersonators Of Milton Berle Or Someone Else Famous Who Doesn't Even Need Rumors Of A Legendary Penis. Whenever You Wear Pants And Pull Out Your Dick Through The Fly To Prove It You Can Just Fake It With A Skin Colored Rubber Dildo Any Time With These Rabble. Anybody That Is Pretending To Be Better With A Big Dick Is Just A Scumbag Who Is Going To Kill The Guy In The Bathroom Who Is Going To Pull At It A Touch And Take A Picture Of Their Little pepe That Wouldn't Even Please Tinker Bell By Real Ler Standards. If You Do Not Kill Anybody Caught Wearing A Fake dick That Just Got Tugged Off Your Karma Will Weigh With The Weight Of 10 Butchering Incidents Where The Fake Dick Wearer Causes The Guy Who Takes The Picture A Standard "Isis" Shooting As He Thinks Things Just Need To Be Explained To Everybody Then Low Hit Point Bezolytes Just Starts Trying To Massacre Him Down Causing The Self-Defence Slaughter Of The Beatles All Around In This Lawless Ghetto Or A KKK Blood Feud That Causes 100 Street Murders.
Kether, Chokmah, Binah, and Daath, in God{Christine(Christ I need Everything) Satcom(Satcommed) Viacad(She's A looker So that is where Christianity came from if there is a look but do not touch attitude about truly compatible soulmates), Lea(Look everytime a) Jony(Jew/Jap{panese person} on Electronics) Viacad, Stefany(Stellar finances anytime) Sen(Securities Exchange Network) Viacad, Jenn(Just Enlighten Newbs Nervous systems) Verizon(Virtually everybody reading .biz in our network) Viacad}
Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod in Spirit{Sofi(So Fucking Intelligent) Hilton(tons of people on the hill) Viacad, Liz(Light Intelligent Systems) Sonex(So Our Network Exists) Viacad, Clair(Clear All inclusive readout) Dominion(Dominating in our network) Viacad, Atrayu(Amazing To Read A You) Ableton(Able To kNow{through listening to or viewing your art}) Viacad, Tiffany(Totally intelligent far fetched any) Sonnet(Science of Nuclear Nanotech Electromagnetic Transmissions) Viacad. Yesod in Ghost{Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently in lieu of your) Ge(General Education) Viacad} Malkuth in Body{Katy(call all through your) Ut(Universal translator) Viacad}
The other 33 combinations combined with the 11 Sephiroth in their particular worlds(which represent the actual sephiroth) to make an 11 x 4 Matrix of 44.
SubCommander 3: Christine(Christ I need Everything) Satcom(Satcommed) Viacad = Soul of Kether. Washington The Capital of the USA. Designed and Coded mpg4 Video Format and png picture compression.
SubCommander 12: Christina(Christ I Need A) Lockhart(Locked Hard Target) Viacad = Spirit of Kether. Canberra, Australia. Designed and Coded mpg3 Video Format and upgraded jpg picture compression.
Supreme Battle View Coordinator: Rachel(Real Automated Camera Helping Everybody Look) Specter(Spectacular To Each Respective) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Designer) = Ghost of Kether. Nice, France. Wrote Encryption Software Including MEUCS. Designed and Coded mpg2 Video Format and upgraded jpg picture compression. (Yes She IS Arlen Specter's Illegitimate Daughter)
Supreme Varyator: Valin(Variating A Little In) Diaz(Disconnected Assaulted Zones) = Body of Kether. Hacking is about basic observation of popularity ratings among computers and beings. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Designed and Coded mpg1 and upgraded jpg picture compression.
SubCommander 2: Lea(Look everytime a) Jony(Jew/Jap{panese person} on Electronics) Viacad = Soul of Chokmah. San Diego, California, USA. Designed and Coded mp3.
SubCommander 11: Natasha(Negate Attack Adopting Supreme Halter at) Tomai(Toshiba Mainframe) Viacad = Spirit of Chokmah. New York, New York, USA. From India Indian Parents. Designed and Coded mp2.
SubCommander 17 or Supreme Quadentary Hacker When Battle Interface May be Compromised: Christina(Christ I Need A) Applegate(Apple Gateway) Viacad = Ghost of Chokmah. San Francisco, California, USA. Wrote Source Codes Behind Apple.
SubCommander 33: Christina(Christ I Need A) Agularra(Automated Guidance {System}, Look At Random Resistive Apparatuses) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Designs) = Body of Chokmah. From India Indian Parents. Houston, Texas, USA. Designed and Coded mp1.
SubCommander 7: Stefany(Stellar finances anytime) Sen(Securities Exchange Network) Viacad = Soul of Binah. New York, New York, USA. Help Developed and Code E-Trade.
SubCommander 36: Sarah(Superb Altruistic Response After Halting) Goldman(Gold Management Atrocities Network) Viacad = Spirit of Binah. London, England. From Chinese Parents. Help Developed and Code of E-Trade.
SubCommander 48: Sarah(Superb Altruistic Response After Halting) Silverman(Silver Management Atrocities Network) Viacad = Ghost of Binah. Chicago, Illinois, USA. Help Developed and Code E-Trade.
SubCommander 53: Sarah(Superb Altruistic Response After Halting) Bronzeman(Bronze Management Atrocities Network) Viacad = Body of Binah. Dallas, Texas, USA. From Turkish Parents. Help Developed and Coded of E-Trade.
SubCommander 34: Jenifer(Just Everybody Not Instigate Fights, Even Retards) Love Hewit(Having Everybody's Wit Intentionally Told) Viacad = Soul Of Chesed. Dublin, Ireland. Designed and Coded Winzip.
SubCommander 4: Sofi(So Fucking Intelligent) Hilton(tons of people on the hill) Viacad = Spirit Of Chesed. Tampa, Florida, USA. Designed and Coded Winrar.
Subcommander 18: Sophie(So a Posse Has In Every) Mae(Made Event) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Designers) = Ghost of Chesed. Paris, France. Designed and Coded
SubCommander 50 & Supreme Healer: Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently In Light of Your) Goodwin(Good Win) Viacad = Body of Chesed. Berne, Switzerland. Designed and Coded
SubCommander 35: Lisa(Light Intelligent Systems Are) Retanals(Required to always not act like Sinners) Viacad = Soul of Geburah. Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Helped Design and Coded Spybot.
SubCommander 5: Liz(Light Intelligent Systems) Sonex(So Our Network Exists) Viacad = Spirit of Geburah. Seattle, Washington, USA. From Native American or Amerindian Parents. Helped Design and Coded Spybot.
SubCommander 49: Jessica(Just Exercise Some Systems In Cultivating A) Francavila(Fantastic Realistic And Normal Cyberologically Advanced Very Intelligent Life Attribute) Viacad = Ghost of Geburah. Lima, Peru. Helped Design and Coded Spybot.
SubCommander 54: Megan(May Everyone Getting Another) May(Must Always Yell) Viacad = Body of Geburah. From Persian Parents. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Helped Design and Coded Spybot.
Battle Map Summarizer: Jamie(Just A Minute In Expiration) Sumers(Supreme Uber Mappers Read Me Everybody) Viacad = Soul of Tiphereth. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. From Siamese Parents. Develop and Code shapes for ViaCAD.
SubCommander 1: Clair(Clear All inclusive readout) Dominion(Dominating in our network) Viacad = Spirit of Tiphereth. Washington The Capital of USA. 3-D structure building and complex transformations for ViaCAD.
SubCommander 10: Clair(Clear All Inclusive Readout;) Hilton(How Intelligent Light Transfer Operates Networked) Viacad = Ghost of Tiphereth. Washington The Capital of the USA. Develop and Code surfaces for ViaCAD.
Subcommander 16: Rachel(Realtime Automated Computerized Help) Leviits(Leave Everything In Its{place}) Viacad = Body of Tiphereth. Phoenix, Arizona, USA. From Amerindian or Native American Parents. Develop and Code lines for ViaCAD.
SubCommander 51: Claire(Clear All Inclusive Readout; Everybody) Danes(Does An Extra Specialty) Viacad = Soul of Netzach. Perth, Australia. Helped Designed and Code Adobe Photoshop.
Supreme Techno Mission DJ: Atrayu(Amazing to read a you) Ableton(Able to Know{through listening to or viewing your art}) Viacad = Spirit of Netzach. Los Angeles, California, USA. Designed and Coded Ableton Live.
SubCommander 52: Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently In Light of Yes) Nieche(No Isms Even Can Help Everybody) Viacad = Ghost of Netzach. Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Helped Designed and Code Adobe Photoshop.
Supreme Rock And Roll DJ: Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently In Light of Your) Donaldson(Dumb Obstruction kNowing All 'De' Stupid Old Negativity) = Body of Netzach. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Designed and Coded MP1 and MP2.
Supreme Moral Manager: Clair(Clear All Inclusive Readout) Aziyl(About Seeing Into Your Life) Viacad = Soul of Hod. Washington The Capital of the USA. Designer and Coder of Simple 3-D Structure Building for ViaCAD. Helped Design and Coded Maple Mathematical Modeling Software.
Supreme Scientist: Tiffany(Totally intelligent far fetched any) Sonnet(Science of Nuclear Nanotech Electromagnetic Transmissions) Viacad = Spirit of Hod. Massachusetts, Boston. Helped Design and Coded Maple Mathematical Modeling Software.
Supreme Tertiary Hacker: Marnie(MEUCS{MEUCS for short [Modulating Encrypted Uniform Communication System], or MMLEUNOHALBBSMCHPEMCS for long[Modulating MultiLayered Encrypted Uniform Number Of High And Low Bits Broad Spectrum MultiChannel High Power ElectroMagnetic Communication System]} Are Never Interfering Each) Dabroski(Distributing a Bad Ray Or Some Keen Intellectual) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Automated Design) = Ghost of Hod. Moscow, Russia and Washington the Capital of The United States of America in the Late Fall To Early Spring. Wrote Source Codes Behind Linux.
Supreme Battle Variables Regulator: Ewa(Everything Working At) Nol(Nominal Levels) Viacad = Body of Hod. Leader/Avar Of Arabia/Middle East. For Extra Credit Figure Out Which Ler Girlz Are In Charge Of What! Cairo, Egypt. Helped Design and Coded Maple Mathematical Modeling Software.
SubCommander 37: Stefany(Stellar Fiances Anytime) Network(Never Ever Talk Without Our Consent) Utiaftououf(Unless to investigate after talking to your fiances) Viacad = Soul of Yesod. Paris, France. Helped Design and Coded
SubCommander 15: Emile(Everybody Mingling Lately Everytime) Laney(Lets all Network Everybody Yes) Viacad = Spirit of Yesod. London, England. Helped Design and Coded
SubCommander 6: Emily(Everything Managed Intelligently in lieu of your) Ge(General Education) Viacad = Ghost of Yesod. Mexico City, Mexico. Design and Coded Hooked On Phonics.
SubCommander 55: Laura(enLightened About Unique Required Attributes;) Croft(Creative Often) Viacad = Body of Yesod. Brasilia, Brazil. Helped Design and Coded
Supreme Defenses Manager: Helen(Help everyone look even) Fourme(for me) Viacad = Soul of Malkuth. Ballywood/Mumbai, India. Helped Designed and Coded Dragon Dictate Speech Recognition Software.
Supreme Factory Manager: J(Just) Lo(low) Ferrarii(for every reinforcement resource automated replication in interface) Sanches(So a networked cannon hold everywhere survives) Viacad = Spirit of Malkuth. Caracas, Venezuela. Helped Designed and Coded Dragon Dictate Speech Recognition Software.
Supreme Reinforcement Manager: Mariah(More All-out reinforcements in a hurry) Carrey(Can all reinforcements replicate everywhere) Viacad = Ghost of Malkuth. Lesotho, South Africa. Designed and Coded Hooked On Phonics. Helped Designed and Coded Dragon Dictate Speech Recognition Software.
SubCommander 56 and Supreme UT when needed since English is the Fullversal language: Katy(call all through your) UT(Universal translator) Viacad = Body of Malkuth. Detroit, Michigan, USA. From Black Parents. Designed and Coded Babylon Language Software.
Supreme Hacker: Jenn(Just Enlighten Newbs nervous systems) Verizon(Virtually everybody reading .biz in our network) Viacad = Soul of Daath. Washington the Capital of USA. Wrote Source Codes Behind C, C++, and C#.
Supreme Media Representative: Megan(May Everyone Getting Another {from}) Denise(Dumb Enpasses, Negated Incursions. Stay Exempt) Fox(From Obverted X-rated {Censorship}) Viacad = Spirit of Daath. Los Angeles, California, USA. Designed and Coded Corel Visual Studio Pro.
SubCommander 38: Rachael(Real Alien Channels Have An Elemental) Taylor(Tayloring Lord) Viacad = Ghost of Daath. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Designed and Coded Various Internet, TV, and Radio Core Control Systems.
Supreme Secondary Hacker: Marnie(MEUCS{MEUCS for short [Modulating Encrypted Uniform Communication System], or MMLEUNOHALBBSMCHPEMCS for long[Modulating MultiLayered Encrypted Uniform Number Of High And Low Bits Broad Spectrum MultiChannel High Power ElectroMagnetic Communication System]} Are Never Interfering Each) Hacking(Hacking/Attacking Channels In A Grid) Viacad = Body of Daath. San Jose, Costa Rica where all land fiber connects North and South America. Wrote Source Codes Behind Java.
8 for:
SubCommander 19: Soul of Person{Rachael(Real Alien Channels Have An Elemental) Soul(Soul Of Ur Likeness) Viacad} Washington The Capital of the USA. Helped Developed and Code Fiber Optic Control Systems.
SubCommander 25: Spirit of Person{Kristanna(Krack[Drugs in General] Really Is Supposed To Adapt Not Negatively A) Loken(Light Often Cool Enlightenment Naturally) Viacad} Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe. Has a Huge Part in Developing Processors for above and below Systems.
SubCommander 31: Ghost of Person{Rachael(Real Alien Channels Have An Elemental) Ghost(Ghost Having Ostentatious Stupid Trust) Viacad} Washington The Capital of the USA. Helped Develop and Code Fiber Optic Control Systems.
SubCommander 43: Body of Person{Carmen(Core ASTACon Reviewing/Monitoring Everything Networked) Fibra(Fiberoptically Requiring A) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Design[er])}(4) New York, New York, USA. Helped Develop and Code Fiber Optic Control Systems.
SubCommander 20: Soul of Computer{Carmen(Core ASTACon Reviewing/Monitoring Everything Networked) Electra(Electronically) Viacad} New York, New York, USA. Helped Develop and Code AI For Most Games.
SubCommander 26: Spirit of Computer{Stefany(Stellar Fight Anytime,) AI(Artificial Intelligence [that is]) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinating Abstracted Designs)} Paris, France. Helped Develop and Code AI For Most Games.
SubCommander 32: Ghost of Computer{Salina(So a linear input adapts) Salt(So a Little Touch) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinates Abstracted Designs)} Rome, Italy. Helped Develop and Code AI For Most Games.
SubCommander 44: Body of Computer{Ananda(A Nanoscopically Automated Necessary Defensive Apparatus) Forhav(For Hacking Variations) Viacad} Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(8) 52 So Far. Developed Classified Hacking Software.
20 for:
SubCommander 42: Person in Colony on Land{Christine(Christ I need) Wrangler(Working Rangers Linking Every Rendezvous) Viacad} Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Helped Develop and Code Half-life, Starcraft, and Supreme Commander Series.
SubCommander 41: Person in Colony in Water{Ariel(All Right I Even Let) Yuorsic)You Use Our Ray Super Intense Cannon) Viacad} Buenos Aires, Argentina. Developed and Coded Quantum Ray Technologies.
SubCommander 40: Person in Colony in Air{Kimitsu(Call In Minoote Instantly Timed Strike you) Impeck(Inefficient Minor Pecking[ordered]) Viacad} Seoul, South Korea. Helped Develop and Code Descent and Virtual Pilot 3D Series.
SubCommander 39: Person in Colony in Space{Rachel(Real Automated Camera Helping Everybody Look) Glosse(Good Like Our Silly Satire [for] Everybody) Viacad} Los Angeles, California, USA. Helped Develop Homeworld Series.
SubCommander 48: Computer in Colony on Land{Fiona(Forever Intruding Often A) Mine(Materials In Extract) Viacad} Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Helped Develop and Code Half-life, Starcraft, and Supreme Commander Series.
SubCommander 47: Computer in Colony in Water{Alexia(All Loose Ends X-rayed In A) Rae(Real Automated Environment) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Automated Design)} Lisbon, Portugal, Europe. Devolved and Coded deresonance Systems for Shark-ViaCAD.
SubCommander 46: Computer in Colony in Air{Linsey(Light Intelligent SINSS; Everything Yellow) Lohan(Layered Or Hard And) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstractly Designed)} Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Helped Develop and Code Descent and Virtual Pilot 3D Series.
SubCommander 45: Computer in Colony in Space{Angelina(Angel in a) Jolie(Just, Obedient Light Intelligence Existence) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracting Designer)} Cairns, Australia. From 2 one quarter Aborigine Parents. Helped Develop Homeworld Series.
SubCommander 24: People in Colony on Land{Marnie(MEUCS{MEUCS for short [Modulating Encrypted Uniform Communication System], or MMLEUNOHALBBSMCHPEMCS for long[Modulating MultiLayered Encrypted Uniform Number Of High And Low Bits Broad Spectrum MultiChannel High Power ElectroMagnetic Communication System]} Arssholes Not Interfering [with] Everybody's) Landforms Viacad} Madrid, Spain. Helped Develop and Code Half-life, Starcraft, and Supreme Commander Series.
SubCommander 23: People in Colony in Water{Marnie(MEUCS Arssholes Not Interfering [with] Everybody's) Seaforms Viacad} Athens, Greece. Helped Develop Virtually all Current Water Visual and Audio Effects.
SubCommander 22: People in Colony in Air{Marnie(MEUCS Arssholes Not Interfering [with] Everybody's) Airforms Viacad} Denver, Colorado, USA. Helped Develop and Code Descent and Virtual Pilot 3D Series.
SubCommander 21: People in Colony in Space{Marnie(MEUCS Arssholes Not Interfering [with] Everybody's) Spaceforms Viacad} Miami, Florida, USA. Helped Develop Homeworld Series. Helped Develop Homeworld Series AI Development Especially.
SubCommander 30: Computers in Colony on Land(Landtana, Land Terminal At Network Address, Viacad) Frankfurt, Germany. Helped Develop and Code Half-life, Starcraft, and Supreme Commander Series.
SubCommander 29: Computers Colony in Water(Seatana Viacad) Stockholm, Sweden. Helped develop Virtually all Current Water Visual and Audio Effects.
SubCommander 28: Computers in Colony in Air(Airtana Viacad) Vancouver, Canada. Helped Develop and Code Descent and Virtual Pilot 3D Series. Helped Develop and Code Descent and Virtual Pilot 3D Series.
SubCommander 27: Computers in Colony in Space(Spacetana Viacad) San Diego, California, USA. Helped Develop Homeworld Series AI Development Especially.
SubCommander 13: Person{Stefany(Stellar Finances Anytime) E-Trade Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinated Abstracted Designed} New York, New York, USA. Help Developed and Code E-Trade.
SubCommander 14: Computer{Kaora(Quite An Often Rejection About) Bus(Broad Ubiquitous Spectrum) Viacad} Seattle, Washington, USA. Helped Develop Linksys Routers and Switches.
SubCommander 8: People{Marnie(MEUCS Arssholes Not Interfering [with] Everybody's) Forms Viacad} Toronto, Canada. Has done extensive Robotic Development with Sony.
SubCommander 9: Computers(Kortana, Core To A Network at) Viacad, as a white woman(Full of Quantum Compressed{Like we could be} Tachyon Transmitters, the core of Sky Net at the same time which connects to the other Computers Women who connect to each compartment of Washington The Capital of the USA. Helped Coordinate AI Between Games and Acts as a Liaison Between Projects.
12 for the signs of the zodiac:(Each wrote software for their respective political specialty, for Saline, and, for all others, their war specialty. All are from around New York, New York)
Supreme Gamemaster Liaison: Aries; Cardinal Fire: Saline Salt Viacad{Saline(So all light intelligence evolves) Salt(So a Little Tweak) Viacad(Very Ideally Automatically Coordinates Abstracted Designs)}
Supreme Hacker Liaison: Taurus; Mutable Water: Candice Sako Viacad{Candice(Call a necessary decision icebreaking) Sako(So a change occurs) Viacad}
Supreme Game Changer: Gemini; Fixed Air: Diana Agron Viacad{Diana(Divorce any negativity against) Agron(Any General Rational Obtuse Negativity) Viacad}
Supreme Game SubBattle Ender: Cancer; Cardinal Earth: Monique Isbre Viacad{Monique(Maybe our need in question everytime) Isbre(Is to be Reborn) Viacad}
Supreme Ambassador: Leo; Mutable Fire: Paris Hilton Viacad{Paris(Please assist residents in staying) Hilton(Happy, intelligent, light-hearted, and tour our network) Viacad}
Secondary DJ: Virgo; Fixed Water: Saki Michan Viacad{Saki(So a carrier is) Michan(making intelligent calls helping a network) Viacad}
Supreme Gamemaster: Libra; Cardinal Air: Foy Klar Viacad{Foy(For our youth) Klar(keep [the] letter [of the law] absolutely right) Viacad}
Supreme Battle Moral Manager: Scorpio; Mutable Earth: Kim Kardashian Viacad{Kim(Keep imps) Kardashian(Curbing against retards dumb asses helplessees in a network) Viacad} From Italian Parents.
Lead BiMAV Operator and Commander: Sagittarius; Fixed Fire: Fey Cofu Viacad{Fey(Fight Everytime You) Cofu(Cowardly Fool) Viacad}
Supreme Game Sustainer: Capricorn; Cardinal Water: Girlz Bee Viacad
Supreme Battle Observer: Aquarius; Mutable Air: Christe Loken Viacad{Christe(Christ Everyone) Laken(Let's always keep everything networked) Viacad}
Supreme Oracle: Pisces; Fixed Earth: Kate Winslet Viacad{Kate(Call all [the] time everyone) Winslet(Will need soothsaying like every time) Viacad}
11 Supreme Gamemasters of their sephiroth for the sephiroth alone. Each wrote software for their for their war specialty. All from around Washington D.C.:
Christine Kether Viacad.
Lea Chokmah Viacad.
Stephany Binah Viacad.
Sophi Chesed Viacad.
Liz Geburah Viacad.
Clair Tiphereth Viacad.
Atrayu Netzach Viacad.
Tiffany Hod Viacad.
Emily Yesod Viacad.
Katy Malkuth Viacad.
Jenn Daath Viacad.
4 Supreme Gamemasters of their middle names for Soul, Spirit, Ghost, and Body. Each wrote software for their for their war specialty. All from around Los Angeles:
Christine Soul Viacad.
Clair Spirit Viacad.
Emily Ghost Viacad.
Katy Body Viacad.
4 Supreme Gamemasters of their middle names for the 4 elements. Each wrote software for their for their war specialty. All from around Chicago:
Saline Fire Viacad.
Girlz Water Viacad.
Foy Air Viacad.
Monique Earth Viacad.
4 Supreme Gamemasters of their middle names for the 4 types of terrain. Each wrote software for their for their war specialty. All from around Seattle:
Saline Space Viacad.
Girlz Sea Viacad.
Foy Wind Viacad.
Monique Land Viacad.
3 Supreme Gamemasters of their middle names for the 3 modalities. Each wrote software for their for their war specialty. All from around Houston, Texas:
Saline Cardinal Viacad.
Girlz Mutable Viacad.
Monique Fixed Viacad.
9 Supreme Battle Stancers. All Wrote software for determining Stance and Hackstance. All from around San Francisco, California:
Supreme Active Stancer: Legof Reywe Viacad{Legof(Let's Go Fight) Reywe(Ready Your Weapons) Viacad}.
Supreme Neutral Stancer: Lestof Waim Viacad{Lestof(Let's Stop Fighting) Waim(Wait a Minute) Viacad}.
Supreme Passive Stancer: Lestof Leu[ew]d Viacad{Lestof(Let's Stop Fighting) Leu[ew]d(Let Us Die) Viacad}.
Supreme Liaison Stancer: Letat Whashwed Viacad{Letat(Let's Think About This) Whashwed(What Should We Do) Viacad}.
Supreme Active Hackstancer: Legoha Reyi Viacad{Legoha(Let's Go Hackers) Reyi(Ready Your Interfaces) Viacad}.
Supreme Neutral Hackstancer: Lestoha Waim Viacad{Lestoha(Let's Stop Hacking) Waim(Wait a Minute) Viacad}.
Supreme Passive Hackstancer: Lestoha Leu[ew]s Viacad{Lestoha(Let's Stop Hacking) Leu[ew]s(Let Us lose) Viacad}.
Supreme Liaison Hackstancer: Letat Whashothedo Viacad{Letat(Let's Think About This) Whashothedo(What Should They Do) Viacad}.
Supreme Liaison Genstancer: Letat Whasoed Viacad{Letat(Let's Think About This) Whasoed(What Should Everybody Do) Viacad}.
30 SubHackers 4-33 and 1 Hacker Moral Manager, 31 together, referenced in meta from 2 bits for leading 3 hackers. All Wrote Virtually all Yahoo/Google Combing Software, which was stolen by all other search engines. Although All 169 of us have never been provided with financial rewards for these software apparatuses do not attack these companies goto: Mental Health Gulag for what to do in terms of the Revolution! All from around San Jose, Brazil: {Secret For Digital Security}
Supreme SubHacker 4:
Supreme SubHacker 5:
Supreme SubHacker 6:
Supreme SubHacker 7:
Supreme SubHacker 8:
Supreme SubHacker 9:
Supreme SubHacker 10:
Supreme SubHacker 11:
Supreme SubHacker 12:
Supreme SubHacker 13:
Supreme SubHacker 14:
Supreme SubHacker 15:
Supreme SubHacker 16:
Supreme SubHacker 17:
Supreme SubHacker 18:
Supreme SubHacker 19:
Supreme SubHacker 20:
Supreme SubHacker 21:
Supreme SubHacker 22:
Supreme SubHacker 23:
Supreme SubHacker 24:
Supreme SubHacker 25:
Supreme SubHacker 26:
Supreme SubHacker 27:
Supreme SubHacker 28:
Supreme SubHacker 29:
Supreme SubHacker 30:
Supreme SubHacker 31:
Supreme SubHacker 32:
Supreme SubHacker 33:
Supreme Hacker Moral Manager: Ewa Valon Viacad{Ewa(Everyone Working All) Valon(Happy Right Now) Viacad}.
12 Oracles:
Supreme Seer: Rea Viacad.
Seer of Kether: Reo Vet Viacad.
Seer of Chokmah: Reo Ved Viacad.
Seer of Binah: Reo Vek Viacad.
Seer of Chesed: Reo Vej Viacad.
Seer of Geburah: Reo Ves Viacad.
Seer of Tiphereth: Reo Vev Viacad.
Seer of Netzach: Reo Vep Viacad.
Seer of Hod: Reo Ven Viacad.
Seer of Yesod: Reo Vem Viacad.
Seer of Malkuth: Reo Vetu Viacad.
Seer of Daath: Reo Vetet Viacad
6 Miscellaneous Wives With Variable Positions:
Not Viacad.
Unlimited Viacad.
Limitless Light Viacad.
Past Viacad.
Present Viacad.
Future Viacad.
168 in total!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pagan Knot Amulet
Wear The Pagan Knot Amulet To Display Your Pagan Beliefs And Demonstrate The Power Of The Magi
USG 14 Rank System
0: Noncombatant. 0 On Lapel.
1: Private. | On Lapel.
2: Corporal. | | On Lapel.
3: Sergeant. ||| On Lapel.
4: Lieutenant. --- On Lapel.
5: Ensign. \ On Lapel.
6: Colonel. X On Lapel.
7: General(When our population is more there will be many star ranks of generals up to 7 then 7 ranks of Colonels then 7 ranks of Ensigns..). Dots On Lapel, Stars For Admirals.
8: 1 Star Admiral
9: 2 Star Admiral
10: 3 Star Admiral/All Ler Girls In Zion Who Aren't Of Higher Rank. Supreme Sub3Commander's House Sluts And Supreme Sub4 Harem.
11: 4 Star Admiral/Supreme Subcommander's Subcommander's{Now To Be Called Supreme SubSubcommander's} House Sluts{Now To Be Called Kas} And Supreme Sub3 Harem{Now To Be Called La}
12: 5 Star Admiral/Supreme Subcommander's House Sluts{Now To Be Called Kaa} And Supreme Subcommander's Subcommand La.
13: 6 Star Admiral, Supreme Subcommanders, my La And AllA's House Sluts{Now To Be Called Faa} only.
14: 7 Star Admiral, Supreme Sky Commander, me only(Definitely Always A Man Forever!)
Add --- Below Rank To Be A Master (Rank) Who Is Exceptionally Skilled At Their Rank And Can Do Weird Things At That Rank Very Well. Mainly For Light Black People.
Add === Below Rank To Be A Master Chief (Rank) Who Is Phenomenally Skilled At Their Rank And Can Do Virtually All Weird Things At That Rank Very Very Well. Mainly For Dark Black People.
Add Equilateral Triangle Outline Below Rank To Be Delta Force. Echo Force Is A Force Made Of Commanders Of Rank Lieutenant, Delta Sergeant, and/or Master Sergeants And Up.
Add 'H' Below Rank To Designate A Hacker {Specialist}.
Add 'V' Below Rank To Designate A Varyator {Specialist}.
Add 'C' Below Rank To Designate A Code Specialist. One Can Be HVC, HV, HC, VC, H, V, or C.
Add 'S' To Anything To Designate Someone Who Will Act As A Specialist For That Mission Or Scenario.
Add 'M' To Anything To Designate A Messenger.
Add 'N' To Anything To Designate A Command Code Specialist, Nuclear Specialist, And/Or (Fusion Core Reactor) Self-Destruct Manager. Very Very Suspect Designation For Pulling Off Higher Than Rank Commands And Procedures Check Magical Rank Always For Equivalent USG Rank. This Must Always Check Up ALWAYS! SN Extremely Suspect Designation For Pulling Much Higher Than Rank Commands And Procedures Check Magical Rank Always For Equivalent USG Rank. SNE RADICALLY Suspect Designation For Pulling Much Much Higher Than Rank Commands And Procedures Check Magical Rank Always For Equivalent USG Rank. For Any Ns Capture Always If There Is Even A Hint Of Disloyalty OR A Single Lacking In Magical Ranking OR Any Subsequent Failures In Real Ranking. Only Higher Ranking Officers Can Provide Extreme Commands Unless Your Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Senses Tell You Otherwise When Everything Checks Up As Well. Remember 'M's Only Designates Messengers They Cannot Override Commands Like 'N's Can. Spies Love To Wear Ns But Can Also Be Just A Higher Rank Same Faction Color, Check Magical Rank System For Any Dubious Commands In All Cases Irregardless.
Add 'E' To Anything To Designate An Emissary or Diplomat.
For Blue Dragons Put Blue Strip Around T-Shirt Sleeve With Faction Color Clearly Visible Above And Below{If Faction Color Is Blue Make Strip Green} Where Rank Insignia Is To Be An MP or Military Police.
Magical Rank System
0: Atheist; Does not believe in prayer at all. Happiness Is The Meaning Of Life. True False.
1: Low-Witch; Can Perform Basic Magnitude Judgment And Believes in magical prayer to AllA. If-Then-Else.
2: Medium-Witch; Knows critical wives of AllA to pray as needed in the witch's life and can count to any finite whole number, Weight, Understands Speed, Orientation By The Sun, Moon, Clouds, And Far Off Objects. While.
3: High-Witch; Knows all of the Council Of 36 and what those positions are for. Understands All Base Number Systems Ie Binary; 1010011010, Base 10; What We Use, Base 16/Hex; What html Colors Are In.... And Can Convert Between Any And All Of Them. Gets Percentages, Comprehends Fractions, Understands Irrational Numbers, Understands a Number Line, Density And How To Measure Volume Through Liquid Displacement, Angels, Velocity, Maps, And Orientation By The Stars With A Given Star Chart. Do-While.
4: Low-Wizard for Man[Which can be used to compliment if opposite of gender or accentuated{Since Men of Earth are about 10% smarter than Women}] Sorceress for Girlz[Which can be used to insult if opposite of gender or accentuated]; Knows how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide and what a vectorspace(Control-f: vector) is, Longitude And Latitude{Looking At Angel Of The Edges Of The Ring While Looking Straight Up} Calculations With Formula By Clocks And Calendars Respectively. Sephirothic Attributes of People. The Basics Behind The 4 Elements. For Statements.
5: Medium-Wizard/Sorceress; Understands Whole Exponents And Interest Doubling and Halving Period, Knows how to perform order of operations, Probability, And Stat{istics}, and trig{onometry} remembers basic geometry, Hunt Tracking Times For Spotted Units, Circular Orbits For Navigation To Ring Colonies And Tourist Planets, and understands a Matrixspace. Sephirothic Essences. Advanced Invocation Of the 4 Elements And Spirit. Understands SINSS{Supreme Integrated Nanotubular Super Structure}. Sephirothic Attributes of Materials. Remember SI Units Are Always The Same On Either Side Of The Equation And How They Are Factored And Dimensioned In Terms Of Area And Volume For Different Metric Unit Prefixes; km, m, mm, um, And Know All SI Units For All Relevant Situations From Here On Out And How To Convert{With Conversion Factors Given} Between Any Standard And Nonstandard Units In Terms Of All Unit Types And Subtypes. Switch Statements.
6: High-Wizard/Sorceress; Understands Fractional Exponents, Knows Algebra, Equation Solving, Geometry Calculations, F=ma, Formula Generations For Longitude And Latitude, Interativly Calculated Orbits For Navigation To More Secret Orbiting Locations, and understands Supreme Matrix Theory Abstract and Infinite Number Theorem{Which is usually understood by Medium-Wizards}. Advanced Sephirothic Invocation. Understands Basics Behind Chemical Bond Theory, Ideal Gas Law: PV=nRT, Resistive Electronics, Materials Testing Equations, and SRNs{Self-Replicating Nanobots}. Tentative Equation Comparisons.
7: Low-Mage for Man Angel for Girlz; Understands all of the Supreme Matrix Theory Which Includes The Basics Behind Calculus, Interative Functions, Chemical Bond Theory/Electrodynamics, Half-Life Equation Manipulation, Exponential Growth Manipulation, Piecewise Functions, Fourier Transform Series And General Equation Modeling, 3-D Polar Coordinates, In Terms Of Dimensions > 3-D Abstract Theory, Advanced Crystallography, Advanced Electric Components And Basic IRC Calculations, Kinetics And Trajectory Integration For Finding Any Moving Objects, Astronomy, And Thermodynamics. Understands CSRNs{Cubical Self-Replicating Nanobots}. Knows Of 12 Magical Powers And Has Learned Their Definitions. Class Structure.
8: Mage/Angel; Memorizes All Calculus Transformations, Understands Einstein's General And Special Theory of Relativity, Has a Masters in Electromagnetism, All Analogue Electronics Calculations Involving Massive Circuits Including Circuit Element Design Creation, Understands all about Rotational Inertia/Kinetics, Understands All Of Chaos Theory, Understands Nuclear Mechanics, Understands Astrophysics, and Understands Complex Sky.Net Info and CDA{Cellular Diamond Armor}. Advanced Use Of Goto Statements.
9: Arch-Mage/Arch-Angel; One Who Can Discover Things From Scratch, Basically A Physicist Discoverer. Can Model Any Situation With Either A Universal Constructor Lab And More Than Enough Time Or ALLLLLLLLLLL Equations Known To Human Kind As Well As Of Course Viacad Shark FX On A Windows Computer That Is Always Fast Enough And Also Knows Advanced Government Agency Functioning. Can Develop Certain Code In Any FULLY LAID OUT Language From Scratch But It Would Have Have To Have Already Been Finished By Someone Else Or There Is No Knowing How Hard The Code Would Be!
10: Supreme Arch-Angels: Zion. Supreme Arch-Mage: AllA Erawa Viacad. When Seeing ALL Relevant Source Code For Sonex And Anything That Runs On Sonex will Evvvvvvvventually Comprehend All Relevant Systems While The Whole Internet Is Available to them For Mathematical And Scientific References(So We Don't Have To Rediscover Everything In The Universe While Some Fat Whale PhotoCopy Bitch Yaps At Us) When Relevant But This Test Will Only Work First And Foremost When Sufficient Time Is Given according To The DIA and If It Is Not Some Stupid Doohickey That Either Requires Virtually Infinite Memorization of Encoding/Encryption And HAS EVERY FUCKING STUPID NUMBER/ANY SYNTAX CODE SYSTEM LAID OUT WITH ALL Closed Source Code Systems PROVIDED FULLY AND HONESTLY!!!! And With Means To GENUINLY Recompile With Them! Like Those That Prevented Our E-Democracy Voting Software In Java, Call Microsoft Executive Tech Support For A Test In Windows. Can Also As A New Born Ghost Develop An Entire Civilization From Intelligent Naked Hunter Gatherers To A Cellular Diamond Armor Space Armada With A HUUUUGE Amount Of Time Given To That Project Where People Would Have To Suffer Without Entertainment Unless Provided Which It Definitely Should Be!
In 90% Of All Cases Ranks Are The Same Otherwise Ranks Can Be ONLY! 1 Apart From The Magical Rank To The USG-14 Rank Even If One Has A 1 In 10,000 Rare 2 Tier Rank Difference And 3 Rank Differences Never Had, Never Do, And Never Will Exist! Again Always Expect Rank To Check Up Within 1 Rank And Always Expect Rank To Be Equivalent In Cases That Seem In Any Way Shape Or Form Trixy!
Strong In Magic, Week In Science, And Eswaybul About Mathematically Foundationed Systems
Varials Are Easily Swayed/eswaybul{Noun, Verb, And Adjective} Because They Do Not Have Firment In Being Mathematically Sound Wizards As They Are Mere Witches Who Know How To Do Magic And Cast Spells as Casters Who Work Behind The Scenes Or Enchantresses Who Work On The Scenes. Because Varials Are Eswaybul Eswaybul Who Are Eswaybully Varying In Their Political/Military/Theologic Faction/Subfaction/SubSubFaction They Become Variables In Any War Or Conflict Whom Must Be Factored In Loosely As They Can Change Sides Too Easily For Them To Be Counted On Like Wizards And Angels Or More Scientifically{Rather Than Magically} Minded People.
Varials Are Always Ranked 0-3 And Have The number After The Dot Represent Their Varial Rank Which Is .1-.3. Wizards Who have Higher Varial Rank Are Always Wizards Either Low For 4.2 Or High For 4.3 And 5.3 In Magic, A Low-Wizard Who Knows Through Advanced Sephirothic Invocation IS Thus A 'Low-Wizard High In Magic'.
X.1: Baby Varials: The Basics Behind The 4 Elements.
X.2: Low Varials: Advanced Invocation Of the 4 Elements And Spirit.
X.3: Varials: Advanced Sephirothic Invocation.
The Leading Dark Knight who is not the leader of the black knights since 2006 When After Becoming A Rothschilde's Gambit Democracy in 1999 When Dr. Specter Became Just Leader Of the Dark Knight Democracy The Black Knights Who Abandoned The Gentlemen's Agreement Protecting Mages Generally In 1998 Were Culled To The Point Where The Maralyn Manson Incident Caused The Pretty Much One Way Culling Until The Black Knights Blundered Their Government In Terms Of All Deciding Factor Gambit Decisions{Unlike Me Who Remains In Charge Of The Gambit Effectively As A Dictator} Yet Remained A Repressive To Even Their Own Media Corporate Republic Dictatorship In Terms Of All Censoring Media Outlets{Another Words Everything On The Media And Internet And News Printing And Book And Everything Else} Disavowed Back Then In 1999 Mage Dr. Specter From Being In Charge Of The Now Always Evil Media Empire Is Since 7/21/2014 After A Precursory PHD Review Confirmed By An Extremely Extensive Review Following Up To The Grading Deadline Specter Was Officially Determined By Oxford, JMU, And The Scientific Community{Who All Believe In Magic If They Are PHDs Always And Are Always In The Scientific Magic Order If They Are Mages In Other Regards If The Precursory Review Was Accurate. If They Claim Otherwise Have Everybody Around Test Them With The Above Scientific Knowledge To Check Up On Their Credentials Or At Least Counting.} To Be Only Masters In All Subjects And Is Thus Now Mister or Mr. Arlen Specter, An Arch-Wizard Of The Betrayer Faction. There Were Other Evil Leaders Before Who Were Better,, Even A Handful Of Arch-Mages But Have Long Since Perished Before the 1990s Into Nothing But Ler Girls Are Never Ever Ever Ever Evil And Yes Including The Actual Sherri Kane But Not The One On The Radio Show Who is DEFINATLY Not a Ler Girl And Is Continuously Culled. Mr. Arlen Specter Is Immune From The Culling Because He Adhered To The Gentlemen's Agreement's Ramifications Of Mutual Mage Protection And Is Still Under The Gambit Spell Keeping Him From Violating It Otherwise His Almost Completely Insect Infested Brain Would Go Off On A Daily Rant About How The Media Has To Kill All Of Zion Regardless Of What That Sinister Nigger Mage Chris Rock{Recently Perished And Replaced With A Leading Look A-Like But Not For Your Neighborhood, There There Is A Relatively Inferior Annoying Sarcastic Nigger, A Strawberry Blond Whining About How Everything She Says She Said Just Cuz She Is On Drugs Or Something, An Evil Dimpled{Who Is Hiding Her Dimple Like all of em} Bitch Looking Like My Assistant Who Claims Magic Is A Farce Even Though She Is Haunted By Harry Potter Fans Who Cause Sparks To Fly At Her At Least, And A Bunch Of Trumped Up Look-A-Likes Like The Tom Cruises Who Admits He Started A Cult To Make As Much Money To People He Really Would Just Be Selling Expensive Snake Oil Sessions To Like The Bitch Madonna Who After Driving You To Bankruptcy-(Who Is The One Who Actually Sells a Cult)-Practically Then Hands You A Copy Of This Page And This Cuz We Let Her Since It Is Free Meaning We Couldn't Complain Anyways And They Might As Well Start Off With What You Have Now So They At Least Have Something That Actually Works.} Said About What Ted Brokman Can't Do.
In Conclusion There Are No Such Thing As Evil Mages Low To Arch Left In The Entire Fullverse or Alne.
Flag Pole Head:
Flag Of The Free World Alliance:
FWA Faction Colors:
Supreme Matrix Theory Abstract
For the solution to the Book of The Law with more in depth Kabalistic Analysis: Book of The Law explained by Hive Theory
The Supreme Book Of Witchcraft,, errr The Supreme Wizardry Manual Since In Actuality Witchcraft Is Just Expressing Your Magical Will With Mana Pools Through Props Mixed With Pagan Prayer, Astral Exercises, And If You Got A Decent Witchcraft Book Basically Just A Messed Up Amagram Of The 4 Elements And The Kabbalah. You'll Actually Need To Gain Arcane Mana Through Accessing The Supreme Fountain Of Mana By Performing:
Otherwise Your Mana Pools Will Run Dry Especially Since You've Found: The Magic Spell Book!
Fwa Magic Only Dictionary
List Of Magical Terms Pixies Use To Do And Describe Things Magical And Their Free World Alliance Specific Definitions:
Amulet = A Worn Necklace Granting Magical Powers Or Protection
Arcane = Lofty Scientific-Like Wizarding Secrets Or As A Descriptor For Advanced/Special Information
Angel = Mega Powered Wizard Of USG Rank 8 With Feminine And Motherly Touch All Angel/Mage Terms Have A Set Of Feathery Wings
ArchAngel = Ultra Powered Wizard Of USG Rank 9+ With Feminine And Motherly Touch
ArchMage = Ultra Powered Wizard Of USG Rank 9+ With Masculine Feel
ArchMagi = ArchMages/ArchAngels In Plural
Astral = World Of The Ghosts
Avatar = A Being Whom Acts In The Spirit Of The Guiding Principal/God/Witch
Banish = To Remove And Expel Or Remove And Contain Certain Spirit(s)
Cast = Cause To Be Performed In Accordance With Ones Will
Ceremony = A Special Religious Or Magical Celebration Or Seldom Done Magic Ritual Rite Or Act
Curse = A Spell Meant To Demean, Weaken, Detriment, Or Destroy A Target
Djinn = A Holographically Manifest Incense And Perfume Avatar That Can Be Anything/Any-Person/Any-People/Any-Place
Dragon = Symbolic Reptilian Flying Mythical Beast Which Breaths Out Fire And Symbolizes The Power Of Democratic Government And Demagogues As Well As Just The Most Powerful Kind Of Thing Which Can Be Good Or Bad, And For And Against. Derived From UnSouled PreNymph Shapeshifting Monster That Can Turn Into A Sexy Elven Girl With Reptilian Wings Capable Only Of Fusion Rocketry Like Dragons Who Can Magically Breathe Fusion Fire Magically Like Dragons Always Are; Magically Manifest And Powered By Maya Magic Since Dragons Are Fract Daughters Within A Pixie Who Can Be Eaten Like Any Monster Or Animal When Found Or Killed As A Corpse. Dragons Rule Over The Plains When Pixies Are Not Present And Are Usually The Interim Creature That Most Animals Upgrade To To Become A Pixie Like A Hemp Tree Is And Could Often Die As Often As A Hemp Tree To Gain Early Year Experience To Their Spirit.
Enchant = Imbue With A Magic Spell
Enchantment = The Spell That Causes The Imbuing Of Something With Magic
Enchanter = Husband Enchanter
Enchantress = Wife Enchanter
English = The Universal Language Of Everything Including Magic
Ent = A Tree Given Powers Or With Powers That Can Do Things Or Attack People
Eucharist = Rite Of Imbibing, Union, Mixing, And Separation To Charge Magical Implements
Fairy = Spiritual USG Level 4-5 Pixie With A Set Of 1 Colorful Felt Butterfly Like Wings
Genie = Entity Potentially Astral That Grants Wishes Supporting Your Magical Will That Can Be Anywhere, Contained In A Magic Gizmo, Or Kept In A Universe Generator
Ghost = Body Of Light
Gizmo = Scientific/Magical Tool
God = Supremely Powerful ArchMage
Goddess = Supremely Powerful ArchAngel
Golem = An Animated Being Made Of Things Around Which Can Be Used In Combat
Grimoire = Dark Secret Or Unfound Magic Journal Or List Of Spells Or Type Of Spells Which Is Generally What Would Cause Guilt To A Magician If Found And Discovered And Not From The Type Of Magic Used Alone But From Magical Actions Performed Or About To Be Performed
Guild = Constructive Group Of Like-Minded Professionals Sometimes Involved With Magic
Hex = A Curse That Cannot Be Lifted Without Overriding The Magician Or Whatever That Caused The Hex Which Always Causes Something To Happen For The Hexer's Goals Or To Protect Their Personal Effects
Holodeck = Illusionary World Manifest With Djinns, People, And Anything To Let Somebody Experience Any Place And/Or Game
Ifrit = Fiery Magma Or Plasma Spirit Shard Djinn Called On In Time Of Need (Since It Burns Everything Around With Lava Or For Plasma Ifrits Plasma) To Destroy Everything It Is Mind Controlled To Touch And If Not Banished To Fire, Lava, Magma, Or A Star Will Eventually Break Out Of The Spell Used To Control It And The Ifrit Will Start Touching Thing Accidentally Burning Them
Imbue = Give Normal, Scientific/Magical Or Special Powers To Something Generally Or Possibly Someone Or Some People, Like How The Angels Imbued Themselves With All The Strengths And Powers Of A Super-Mega-Ultra Love Robo Space Marine
Jaiden = Body As Light
Jinn = Artificial Spirit Whether Imaginary, Illusory, Real, And/Or Transitory Which Affects Things Without Having A Soul But May Be Manifest As An Avatar By A Being
Low-Mage = Super Powered Wizard Of USG Rank 7 With Masculine Feel
Light = Goodness As Much As Light Is Important For Vision, Or Just Light In Terms Of Physics Or Something
Mage = Mega Powered Wizard Of Rank 8 With Masculine Feel
Magi = Mages/Angels In Plural
Magic = The Essence And Power Of The Supernatural
Magical = Seeming Powerfully Spiritual And Things Which Are That Powerfully Magic
Magician = Someone Who Performs Magic
Magick = The Essence And Power Of The Supernatural And Definitely Serious Magic
Mana = Depletable Magical Energy Spent Casting And Performing Magic Which Will Recharge With Sleep And Performing Magic Spell Book Which Depletes Vitality To Perform
Mind Control = Take Somebody Over Completely To Make Them Do Something
Necromancer = A Witch Who Uses Magic To Raise The Dead
Necromancy = Magic Way Of Raising The Dead
Nether = Vague And Dreamlike Essence Of Observed Astral Entities And The Astral Aspect Of Things
Netherworld = Vague Dreamlike World For Observing Astral Entities And The Astral Side Of Things
Nymph = Fully Autonomous USG Level 0 Pixie With A Set Of 1 Clear Smooth Veiny Wings
Order = Secret Society Of People All Acting In The Same Way Spiritually And Magically Who Give Out Commands As Orders Which Must Be Followed
Pentacle = Solid NonHoled Coin Or Disk Which Contains Magical Energy Or A Universe Generator
Pixie = See
Polymorph = Change Shape, Size, Sound, Color, Radiation Emissions, Aura, Taste, Or Other Bodily Characteristics
Potions = Not Really Food, Soap, Or Toothpaste But Imbibables Generally The More Powerful Ones But People Need To Get On All Drugs To Form A Basis To Get Potions And Even Have A Mind At'll
Rite = A Special Act Which Does Something Magically Often Included Within A Longer Ritual
Ritual = What Can Be A Lengthy Seance Of Spoken Words In English Generally And Actions Which Constitute A Full Magical Ceremony To Do Something Magical Or Support A Spell
Seance = Contacting Beings From Or Using The Nether Or Astral World
Shape-Shifter = A Being Who Can Polymorph Generally Through Glandular Cellular Movement Expansion/Contraction Or Quantum Warping But Sometimes Sustain More Difficult Metabolistic/DeReReplicatory Processes
Society = Group Of People Of Like Mind Who Work Together Whether Secretly Or Openly But Usually With Secrets Sometimes Magical Like With Certain Secret Societies Which Go Underground To Support Magic If Banned
Sorcerer = A Magician Casting Physical Attacks With Something Like Fireballs, Lightning Bolts, Wind, Waves, Or Anything Like That
Sorcery = Magical Acts Of Casting Physical Attacks With Something Like Fireballs, Lightning Bolts, Wind, Waves, Or Anything Like That
Sorceress = A USG Level 4-6 Pixie With A Feminine Touch Or Inferiority Issue USG Low-4 Mid-5 High-6
Soul = Consciousness Which Observes And Must Be Happy
Spell = An Magical Act Cast By A Witch Or In The Case Of A Wizard And Up Very Often After Invocation During A Magic Ritual
Sprite = Spiritual USG Level 1-3 Pixie With A Set Of 2-3 Clear Smooth Veiny Wings
Spirit = The Thing Which Governs A Ghost And Generally A Body
Staff = A Wand Sort Of Maybe Which Can Be Used To Support Standing And Walking A Tired Sorcerer After Casting Many Spells
Sway = Influence Another's' Mind To Make Them Thing Or Do Something
Talisman = A Magical Object Generally A Golden Engraved Gem Encrusted Disk Often With A Prominent Symbol, Picture, Crescent, Star, Shape, Pentagram, And/Or Kabala Which Grants Special, Potent, Or Often Awesome Powers, And Is The Ultimate Thing To Enforce A Blessing, Hex, PowerUp, Spell, And/Or Enchantment And Can Also Contain The Power Of An Idea, Element, Sephira, Creature(s), People, Person, Place, Thing, Or Anything Else
Throne = Spiritual USG Level 6 Pixie Have A Set Of Fuzzy Wings
Unicorn = Horse With A Strait Long Conical Horn On Its Head Which Is The Sign Of A Far Off And Currently Hopeless Dream
Varial = A Magician Strong In Magic And Weaker In Other Subjects Like Math And Science
Vitality = Soul Energy Depleted In Doing Work Of Any Kind And Depleted More Doing Magic Which Is Recharged Mainly During Sex And Also Through Having Fun And Doing Things Which Make One Happy
Wand = Magic Casting Gizmo
Warlock = BioMagician Who Uses BioAura Of Incense, Perfume, Excretions, And Other Possessed BioMatter/Substances Imbibed By Others To Affect Their Desired Change In Another Person/Other People
Witch = A Basic Level Magician Having A USG Rank Of 1-3 Or Perhaps 0 If Well Trained
Wizard = A Person With Power Over A Pentacle Charged Wand Which May Not Be Nearby For Power To Be Had Who Casts In The Name Of A Universe Generator And With The Power Thereof USG Low-4 Mid-5 High-6
Wizardry = Master Act Of Magic With Support And Backing Of A Universe Generator
Zion = Select Few At The Pinnacle Of Power Whom Are Always Protected The Most
Spells(Specialized Powers EveryTime Loveing, Leveling, Systems)
Spoken Or Not, Whispered Or Yelled, Imagined To Happen Or Cast, Conscious Or Unconscious All From Food, Drink, Potions. Or Drugs
Ache: Causes Someone Temporary Pain
Affect: Causes A Minor Thing To Cause Drastic Changes
Amplify: Instant That Enhances Casting At That Moment Or For A Very Brief Period
Arkawne: Power To Aid And Advance In The Arcane And Casting
Arch: Weild Another Most High ____
Babe: Makes Beings Seem Like They Are Unimportant
Biow: Causes Sickness From Poisoning Magic Attack
Beauty: Causes Beings To Seam More Beautyful
Bees: Sends Out Swarm Of Stining Creatures To Venomize
Bezerk: Shrill Tone Of Voice With Hate Words Which Cause People To Attack
Cast: Causes Someone To Cast Instead Of Do Something Else
Caze: Rob Without Necessarily Muging Quantamtastically
Charhm: Magically Convinces Enemies To SelfDetriment Or Shapeshift Or Aids Allies Generally Into Doing Something Good
Confuze: Causes Confusion From Spell Casting
Curh: Fixes Physical Injury
Dezire: Causes Someone To Feel In The Mood For A Imbibable
Doowom: Causes Someone To Die, Suffer, Or Face Demise At A Certain Point
Demonize: Cause Someone To Be Targeted
Demonmancy: Calls On The Power Of Demons
Devil: Causes Everybody To Go Against Something
Drain: Drains Someones Levels Magically
Effect: Effect Chagne Through Mutitude
Favor: Causes Someone To Favor Your Side But May Requrie A Real Favor You Have In Mind And Is Better Backed Up By Somebody's Word
Fira: Attacks With Magically Generated Fire Not Dragon Breath From Chemical, {Fiz}Fusion Power, Or Quantum Amplified Power
Fuk: Causes Biztchez To Have Sex Or What The Cuss Word Means When Worded Or Cast Properly
Gawk: Causes Someone Annoyance And Frustration But Does Not Cause Violence,, At Least Initially
Generate ______: Causes Something To Be Generated But Will Require Tons Mana To Stabilize
Genome: Scans A LifeForms Glandular Cluster Stem Cell Data
Gizmoh: Causes Technical Changes
Gnome: Belittles Somebody Into Doing Petty Or Less Effective Attacks
Hazt: Causes Speed To All Cast Upon
Heal: Cures Poison, Venom, Radiation, Or Anything That Causes Sickness
Heat: Causes Temperature And Unplesant Temperment
Holo: Illusions
Intel: Causes Somebody To Act Smart
Jump: Causes Quantum Enhanced Physical Leaps Not Teleportation But May Be Simple Signal For That If In A Ship
Laz: Lasers Generally For Slashing
Lifh: Brings Someone Back To Life Who Fell Over Completely, Can't Wake Up Or Is Dead
Lightnwing: Electrifies Things To Attack Vulnerable Circuits
Luv: Causes Yourning Or Desire For Another Compatable Being
Mageek: Causes Someone To Belive In Magic
Merge: Causes Physical Blaspheering
Negate: Stops Magic From Happening
Nuke: Causes Magical Nuclear Detonation Along With Detherialization Of Allies And Protected Things
Null: Destroys Newly Generated Monsters Not Pixies
Open: Opens Doors Unlocking Them Instantly
ORdeur: Gains Command
Quake: Causes The Ground To Shake To Damge Buildings Or Complexes Potentially Causeing Chasams And Volcanos
Scan: Scrys Into Something For Sizeing It Up Or Finding Out Useful Things About It
Silenz: Silences Somebody Or Prevents Them From Casting
Stop: Stops Somebody From Doing Something
Use: What You Have To Do To Do Something Magical, Scientific, SciMag, Or Not
Ultima: Destroyes Everything Around Though All Powers Magical Backed By All Powers Physical
Unity: Heals And Cures At The Same Time
Unlock: Makes The Unlock Noice Generally But Does Not Open
Viah: Causes Trust In Perfect Design Japanese The Polite Wording, Jap The Short Wording Which Could Be Charged, Jingo The Slur
Zeal: Causes Everybody To Side With You And Brings Great Moral
Always Remember To Be Able To Heal Everything Before You Get The Power To Attack, The Power To Love Before Hate, The Power To Mend Before Surgery, The Power To Banish Before Casting...